Chapter 32 - Momo and Oni match!

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Lei's POV

Soon, the time for the match began. I stood at the bleachers as both Momoshiro-san and Juji came in. Suddenly from a corner, I heard Fuji asking one of the high schoolers who Juji was. THey told him that Juji was the gatekeeper of hell and he was famous for his Black Jack Knife and will crush those which enters his court. Court 5.  Momoshiro-san haughtily said " I'll beat you and enter court 5! " and Oni said " Don't get too full of yourself. " before leaving to the center of the courts.

Soon the match started off with a rally and soon each of them began serving at the player's other court. As the time passed, each of them looked like they were getting tired when Juji served a lob, I thought ' Is he trying to see Momoshiro-san's Jack Knife?! He's gonna injure that boy's wrist! Boy! Don't be so reckless! ' but then, Momoshiro-san decided to use the techinique he used in the finals, Jack knife. Many friends of his, including his captain said " Yeah! Show the high schoolers that we're strong! " but like what I expected, Juji shouted " What are you expecting to cut with those puny Jack Knife?! I'll show you the true Jack Knife! Horrraaaaaaaaaaaaa! " returning the Jack Knife with another Jack knife. The black Jack Knife. Most people after seeing the force used for the tennis ball would not return the ball, however, Momoshiro-san screamed and tried to return it, however he was unable to do so, but he had guts of steel, I would say. Instead, he stumbled and hit onto the walls separating the courts from the bleachers. I thought ' I couldn't even return the ball, of course you wouldn't be able to! But your wrist.....'

and many of his team mates, even Tezuka was concerned when all of the sudden, Juji left the courts. " Give up. Your wrist is broken. " and he was about to leave when, Momoshiro-san said " I...I'm not giving up! " and he used both of his arm to hook the racket and play, but of course resulting in more injuries. I thought ' The moment he said he wasn't giving up, Juji seemed to respect him..... '  and they continued the match until the fateful words came. " 6-0 Oni Jujiro wins. " and Momoshiro-san laid on the courts. Many people were saying " Why did he do that? It's a torture! " and " Is he crazy! " and etc. I thought ' Yes, he may have " Tortured himself " but he gained the respect from Juji! it's worth it." and as Juji left he asked Momoshiro-san. " What's your name? " " *pant* Momoshiro Takeshi. " " Work your way up, I'll be waiting. " before he walked off. At that moment, I too, walked off. Well, let's go to the gym now, the match took longer then I expected. I walked into the gym and hopped onto the tracks. " What happened in the match? " and I looked toward Kazuya. " It was Okay, I didn't expected Momoshiro - san to continue after Juji used the Jack Knife on him. Hella, I think that Juji was shocked too! " and he rose and eye brow, as if suggesting " Are you serious? " and I smirked, I decided to do something I never done for a long time. " Oi. Wanna have a match? " and he looked shocked. He then slowly nodded and we made our way to the Court 1 tennis courts. As we were about to-


SOrry for the late updates DX I'ma having exams soon' on the 29 Sept to the 10 of Oct DX DX

Anyways, take note of the following


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