Chapter 41 - Back.

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After winning the match, I moved on  to challenge more middle schoolers. It was soon my turn to play against Yanagi -sempai, Sanada -sempai, Niou -sempai, Hiyoshi and lastly, Fuji Yuuta.

We stood in the uneven courts, panting. I managed to oust Yuuta- san and Hiyoshi -san, but the regualrs of Rikkai are as usual putting up a fight. Yanagi -sempai, Niou -sempai and Sanada -sempai would play hand in hand, even thought it is just Yanagi -sempai telling them where to hit and Niou and Sanada -sempai will focus on attacking.

"5-4 "Was our score, with me being 5, I just had a point left to defeat them, but I can feel my body energy draining away. It's tiring. I thought to myself. But I had to go on.

" Strike like a lighting! " Sanada -sempai shouted as he hit the ball, I remembered the way Yukimura told me to handle it. Using the gut of your racket, aim at the heart of the ball, and yes! it did work.

Soon, I decided to try out the new technique which I've learned, it was to trap air balls and aim it before the ball touches the racket, making the ball out of control or even messing up the path of the ball.

'Well, let's give it a try!' I thought to myself as I hit the ball back adding the air ball along with the path of the ball.

Niou -sempai who tried to hit the ball back was unable to reach it as the timing of the ball was delayed because of the air ball, thus allowing me to win. I smiled as I achieved victory. It was the first time I actually won against Sanada -sempai so I was shocked and most importantly happy.

"Ayumi wins. "The drunkard coach states and I smiled. We then stopped the matches and we went on to practicing.

For today's practice, we will be training on stamina like the one I did before. It was to hook a string connected to balloon which is dipped in honey onto your back, and you had to run before any eagles could catch you.

From this exercise, you could actually tell how sadistic the drunkard coach is. I had a string on my back, as all of us run before the eagle could catch us, suddenly, Yanagi -sempai was beside me and he asked me, What was the last move I used on Niou, and I kept my mouth shut.

"Hi- mi -tsu~ " I said as I sped up after hearing an eagle. I continued moving as I heard Yanagi dodged.  I smirked before returning back to the courts. At that time, a few of the middle schoolers were already back.

I saw that all the Rikkai members, except Yanagi -sempai was there. I walked towards them and said, " Sanada -sempai, Niou -sempai, Jackel -sempai and Yanagi -semapi..even if he''s not here yet. Thanks for not hating me for not telling you about the fake doubles match and thanks for being my friends after all that mess with Yukimura and all..I will improve and I hope that minna will also improve! I shall go back to the camp now", so bye.." I said and I looked towards the rest of the other members, high schoolers and middle schoolers before bowing slightly and say, " Thanks for looking after me. "

"Ji.- "  I called out to the drunkard coach. " Thannks. " Giving him my secret stash of sake. He smirked before saying, "Help me to say hi to them. "

I nodded my head before leaving back to the camp. I entered my room to see Irie, Kazuya, Oni and Tanagashima there. They sigh, before saying, "Baka! Where the hell have you been?! "

" To the drunkard there......I ...I forgot to leave a letter? " and they sigh again. "You did, but it wasn't even clear! "said Kazuya. I ohhéd and apologized, before they left.

Irie left the latest, hugging me before leaving. "I was so worried..."he said as he leaned onto my shoulders. I pat him on the back, saying softly, " I'm okay now, right? " and I held him before he left with a soft good night.

Irie POV

It have been 2 days since Ayumi came back. 2 days. I was so worried. Did something happened to her? Where is she? When all of the sudden, poof! She enters the room. She had that nonchalant expression, does she knows how worried I've been? Please don't scare me anymore than this..

Yukimura POV

I've never seen her for two days. Where is she? I'm a little worried...


Sorry that I've been on haitus for so long Dx I've been to Japan and everythings so nice <3
Happy birthday to me too xD

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