Chapter13- Planning

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| " A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. " | 


Soon we went back to practice when Atobe suggested eating dinner later with him which all of us declined. Then Sanada glared at them and told them to leave which they did after Atobe practically shoved the flowers on my hands and he left with a huff, saying " I will be back! "

....What am I suppose to do with all these flowers?...*sighs* and we soon went back to practice. 

Yukimura sempai then say " Please pair up with a person. " and soon everybody paired up but the regulars were paired up with non regulars as the non regulars pulled the pairs apart when Yukimura said " Then play against each other. " and all of the non regulars who had regulars as their partners became crestfallen.

Serve them! Muahahaha! My partner, a freshman was shocked. We went on courts and before I could shake his hands, he cried out " I forfeit!!!!" before running away. I sweat drop. 

'Am I that scary?... ' I thoughtand I reported to Yanagi Sempai about my results and he nodded his head.

Most of the regulars had their partners forfeit so we just had to watch the others compete. Power and Technique was us having to hit a ball which is hanging on a rope. You need technique and power to get it down and all regulars aced it while now, the remaining was us. The former regulars. I smirked and said " The former regulars win!" and we all went off. Soon practice was dismissed.

That week passed by without any disturbance as in me sleeping all my classes, getting chased by fanboys and pranking Akaya and Marui with Niou.

No Ones POV

This morning, birds were chirping and you could see the whole of kanagawa being very excited. But wait. Why? It is because of the once in a year festival. The Midnight Moon festival. This festival is when the Moon will rise up high and big. It will also be celebrated with fireworks. Only once in a whole year will you be able to see it. Many people still celebrated this festival as it is extremely rare and only view-able in Kanagawa.


Everybody seems to be so happy today. The birds were chirping and all...a typical good day. I wonder why? I saw Niou. 

" Niou! Why is everybody so happy today? They seems extra energetic!" and he looked at me shocked before saying " Aah! You are not from Japan are you? In Kanagawa, there is a festival and it only happens once a year. The Midnight moon festival. It is really nice..Puri~" And I nodded my head. I see...

Marui POV

It was before practice. I went into Mura Buchou class and I smiled. He was deep in thought but I needed to tell him something. " Mura buchou! You like Ayumi, dont you?" and he dropped the book he was holding. 

" I..I do" and he had a massive blush on his face. 

" You got jealous when Atobe talks to her and all...yet you claim you don't like her?" I teased. 

Why bother denying it?...Everybody knows! I thought to myself. and he picked up the book and say " But..but I don't know how to confess to her...I feel so embarrassed to do it.'s girls who confess first...I feel so troubled." when suddenly the rest of the regulars came out without Lei.

Akaya said " She is reallyyyyy nice! " and Yagyuu said " She is like my younger sister! A really nice one too!" and Sanada even said "  Seiichi! Man up and confess! Tarundoro! " and all of us laughed. 

Then Mura said " should I confess? " when all of us left after saying " It is for you to think about! " and Jackel said " Tonight is the Midnight Moon festival, neh? Why don't you bring her there? It is a really fun place and she does not know much about it too! " and he left.

Yukimura POV

I was reading my book but actually, I was thinking of Lei.  Suddenly, Marui asked if I liked her, and the rest of the regulars came out and told me why they like Lei and all. I guess I shall confess to her at the Midnight Moon festival. As practice was only for an hour as school needs to close early, I decided to ask her out to the festival before changing.

--------------------PRACTICE ENDS------------------------------------


I was about to enter the girls changing room when Yukimura Sempai called me. I turned around and faced him, "Nani deska, buchou?" 

" Ano...are you free later? Shall we go to the .....

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