Chapter 1 - Japan

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| " Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. "

                            -George Bernard |

Lei Ayumi POV

After a 12 hour flight from America, I finally reached Japan's Narita airport. I walked out of the airport and boarded the taxi and the driver asked me, " Miss, where to?" and I replied "Kanagawa, thank you." 

The ride was only the driver talking and me nodding my head, and giving occasional remarks. When we reached, the driver helped to take out my luggage, and I paid him before he left. 

I huffed, before dragging out my luggage. I began to drag my luggage on one hand, and another holding my GPS. I begin walking towards the location my house, as reported on the GPS was only a 15 minute walk.

After walking for roughly 10 minutes, I saw a 'Lawson' shop and entered. I read on the internet that the shop was just like a 'walmart' in America. I entered and was shocked to see the many various brands of Cup Noodles and I decided to grab a few, before heading to the drinks section, and I was even more surprised to see Starbucks products there. I grabbed a Frappe and some bottled water before heading to the empty tables to eat. 

" Ring~ " I heard the doorbell rang and a group of boys, who wore jacket with yellow and black stripe entering. The group of people also had many various unique hair color and design. There was a guy who was basically scowling as he entered, and he wore a black hat. At night. 

Hmm..weird much?

Then, there was the guy with a green headband. He had blue long hair and had a smile on his face. If not for the uniform that he was wearing, you would surely mistaken him as a girl, with his oh-so- feminine features.

Then, there was the guy with the bob haircut, he kept muttering to himself, about something related to data. I couldn't look into his eyes as his glasses were unfortunately Opaque. Then, there was the guy with neon- red hair colour. He was forever blowing on the bubble in his mouth, and saying how his a genius.

Then, there is the guy with Whitish grey hair. It was tied into a rat tail, and after every line he said, he would always add the word, Puri, Pupina or Piyo. I saw him pulling on the hair of the boy who had curly, jet black hair. The boy then turned and said something to the White hair guy.

There was also a bald guy, who looked Brazilian to me. He was sighing and walking with a purple, glasses wearing guy, who also had opaque glasses.

They were making so much loud noises that I rolled my eyes. " Do you mind bringing your voice to a lower  volume. It's very noisy. " I remarked, in a loud enough voice for themto hear. 

They looked at me and the blue head guy nodded his head, " I'm so sorry for the disturbance. " and after saying that, they soften down, making me feel much better.

I stood up and started to leave. I had to find my house before it really gets too late. Luckily, with the use of an 'I phone', I managed to find it. 

It was a 2 level house, and quite modernized. I smiled as I entered a room. Which I decided was the best for me, and quickly changed out my clothes. I laid on the bed,  as my eyes started to close. I decided that I'll sleep to prepare for the new day ahead. 

// DONE ♥ Hope you liked it~ ♥ //

EDITED! 27/8/15

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