Chapter 51

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// Thanls for reading and waiting for this updated~' //

Ayumi POV

" Well, I can offer you a condition-" He cut me off. He coughed before saying, " If you would return and follow us, we will stop disturbing them and will play fair. However, you cannot contact them anymore. " He says, smirking at me. 

" You! " I shouted, feeling so angry. I whispered, " I should have made you unable to play..." 

" Ayumi. That was such a long time ago, if we challenged again, I'll be able to crush you, and you'd never be able to play again. " I looked at him, taking out my racket. 

" Let's play. " I challenged. He nodded his head before taking out his racket. we both head to the 1st court and asked whoever who was inside the court to leave. 

" Smooth or rough?" I asked. " Rough. " However, it landed on the smooth and I got the chance to serve first. 

" Tornado Spin Serve! " I shouted as I hit it. The tornado spin serve works the same way the twist spin works, except that the rebound is completely unpredictable.

He quickly countered it with a lob, when I sent a smash. He countered my smash with Tsubame Gashi, however my smash was not just any ordinary smash. it is the Double twist Smash.

The Double twist smash is the appearance of two balls, and the spin makes the ball hit the other person Tsubame Gashi, and leave the court, marking it as a foul for the other player. 

I smirked, and Byoudin was in rage. His anger allowed him to enter Muga no Kyouchi, and fight against me. I shook my head, muttering " If you need to enter the Muga No Kyouchi so early to defeat me, you still have to wait a hundred years before you will be able to bring me down! "

We begin to rally, and reached ' 4-4'. I begin to show 50% of my power, and begin to use Ice Tennis  special form which I learned in America before coming here. 

Ice Tennis.

Ice tennis is a kind of play style achieved by only girls. It works the same way as how the Yips works, however instead of not allowing the person to move, it freezes the person, just like ice, resulting in the name. It turns any opponent into a living corpse in another way and can only be broke through by sheer force, or by a person who learned Ice Tennis.

This tennis managed to allowed me to have a game advantage over byoudin, and I finished him using various moves which I had observed from the matches of the middle schoolers.

" Tezuka Zone! " 
" Tightrope Walking!"
" The Bible "
" Devil" 

I crushed him, having a victory of 6-4. I looked at him in pity before saying,  " Byoudin, if you had actually borthered to know and observed what the Middle Scholers did, you wouldn't have lost. Now, since I defeated you, please do not bother the Middle Schoolers any further. " 

I looked at him a last time before turning my head and waling away. 


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