Chapter 50!

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// Thanks for everybody who followed me on this journey! We have finally reached chapter 50 and it's all thanks to your reads! Let's continue to work hard ( ̄▽ ̄) //

Chapter 50.

" So tired.." Niou muttered as he walked back to his room. The match that happened one week ago, lead to the giving of the badges 9 and 10.

The match, also made the rikkai seniors closer with their juniors. Many people were happy with the ending of the match, whist the rest of the so far undefeated 1st stringer were unhappy.

"We already lost 2 matches! What should be do?" A guy murmured, unhappy with the result of the match.

"Unbelievably, it's unable to believe that the Ochi and Mouri will lose their matches. Seems like a little teaching to the 2nd stringers is needed..." Another guy says with a sinister look.

The next day...

Sanada was playing with kaido. Yes, it might be unexpected, but , when training with someone who he seldom played with might help him improve even more. He needed to train even if he's not selected for the competition. Sanada was just this competitive.

Suddenly, Shuuji appeared, and used the Segway provided by the camp to steal Sanada's water bottle, just when Sanada was about to take a short break.

"Bastard! Return my water bottle! " Sanada shouted, not happy that someone took his water bottle. Even though, he knows that the 1st stringer were doing it to piss him off, he couldn't calm down.

"Don't worry, mine is just further up." Kaido says with a straight face. It made Sanada cooled down a little. However, before both people reached the place, Shuuji's Segway reached there first, and took Kaido's water bottle as well.

Fueled by anger, both people started chasing Shuuji, who was on the Segway.

"Wait up!" Both shouted, not knowing Shuuji's plan, which was to make them exhausted.

" Shuuji! What are you doing?!" Ayumi shouted at him.

- Ayumi's POV-

I looked as Shuuji took away Sanada's water bottle, than Kaido's.

I sigh, watching them blindly chasing after Shuuji.

Don't they know his plans in making them run after him?

" Shuuji! What are you doing?!" I shouted.

Shuuji stopped and looked at me, " Che. Yumi~ why did you stop me?" He says, before sighing and giving the water bottle back after Sanada and Kaido reached them.

Sanada was about to hit him, but I quickly stepped in.

" Sanada-San, Kaido-San. Please watch out. The 1st stringers were not happy that you guys won against so many members. They are all out to attack you, and this is just the beginning. " I said, before hopping onto Shuuji's Segway and driving off, making him run back to camp.

In the Library-

"Bang. "

A book fell out from the shelves. Kite- San, who was in charged of taking care of the shelves, blew out a breath.

"Bastard. Stop playing," He says, feeling really pissed off. It was his third time picking up the book, and he was fed up. When another book fell, his patience snapped.

"Damn you!" He screams, hurling an entire shelves of book at the unwanted person, seeing how he looked like. Kite clenched his fist, eyes with anger, and at that moment, anger took over him.

He begins fighting, not caring if there were onlookers, and as he fought, books fell.


-Lei POV-

As the director told him to stop, I quickly ran to the base of the 1st stringer.

The base was a place created by the 1st stringer, and it was the gym for only the genius 10, people who were not part of them are strictly not allowed to enter.

"Aren't you playing cheat? Why are you treating them like that?" I shouted, knowing that byoudin was in the gym, even though the lights were off.

The lights suddenly switched on, and for a moment, I was being blinded by the bright light, before getting used to it.

"Ayumi, you're part of the 1st stringer, but why are you supporting them? That's not being fair too." He glanced at me, before continuing to exercise.

"That's...that's another thing! Don't bring that in! You know that stealing someone's water bottle is not allowed! They might faint! What the heck were you thinking about? " I shouted, feeling angry about how bad they treated the 2nd stringers.

-// Sorry for short chapter('・Д・)」

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