Chapter 36 - flashbacks of U-17

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// Hohoho! Thanks to my lovely readers who voted, commented and read this story! We're gonna hit-ed 19.2 k and it's really thanks to all of you! Happy belated Halloween too! //



" Hi Seii-" " Don't greet me. Don't say my name, you're to address me as Yukimura. " I looked at him. " I'm really-" : Excuses! What's more important than our team?! I had to crush Sanada, so did Niou, Yagyuu, Marui, Jackel, Ayaka and Yanagi! Did you even thought about us?! "  " I- " " Anyways, let's give each other a break. " ...........

" NO! " I shouted as I woke up. I breathed in and out at a quick pace. I looked around and I glanced at my clock. 3.45am. ' It's over... ' ....and silently, I thought ' Would he feel the same? What did he felt when he was saying those words to me? How is him? ' As thoughts about Seiich- no, Yukimura rushed into my head. ' I forgot....that I was not supposed to call him Seiichi anymore. I didn't  deserve to. ' I sigh, leaving my bed to tie my hair into a simple ponytail and I took a shower to calm myself down and then changed into my gym clothes, namely FBT shorts and a no collar PE shirt. 

I walked to the rooftop. I knew that Irie would be awake at this time and would be at the Roof top playing his trumpet. He was the only one who would understand how I feel, and be really understanding. I heard the soft melody of gavotte while I was climbing the stairs. ' He played it for me that day...' ........

" You are a girl ! GIrls are not supposed to be here! GET OUT of U-17 camp! You must have slept with the guys to get so high in position. F**k off this camp! B*t*h! " As the pounding on my doors got louder, I curled on the bed and started sobbing. Why? Why? I left Seiichi to have a new life....and now... Suddenly, a shout thundered outside. " Oi! She beat all of you through power and strength and skills! LEAVE! " My breath hitched. 

I thought fondly. That was when I first met Oni.......

" Do you want to go home? " A cold icy voice said. 

And that was Kazuya. That cute Tsundere. I smiled softly. 

* Knock Knock* I opened my door to see all the bullies apologizing. I smiled and said that it was okay, and after they left, I saw my saviours. Oni, Tokugawa and lastly a blond hair guy. I smiled. Soon they left and the blond hair guy said. " Shall I play a song? " He said holding up a trumpet. I quickly made way as he entered my room. He looked at me and we introduced ourselves. We found many similarity between us, our fashion style, food and almost everything. He almost reminded me of Seiichi. Then I told him to play a song, and he did. Playing a song which he written himself. It was relaxing. The soft melody like a lullaby, lulling me into sleep. Gavotte, as so he calls it. I crawled into my blankets as he placed the covers on me. He then walked out of my room, whispering " Lei- Chan, I'm sorry for what they say, hope you feel better, sweet dreams. " and he quietly closed the doors. 

Irie.........Irie was like the most family guy to me. He made me feel so comfortable and cheers you up so easily. 

Anyway, I walked up the stairs and I opened the door. He stopped and looked at me. " Ayumi? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be sleeping! " He chided me. I smiled and said, " I couldn't sleep after what happened yesterday..." I sat on one of the benches and laid down. " Neh, Irie? Would you play me that song you played that day? Gavotte? " He smiled and said " Sure. Anything for you. " and I closed my eyes as the song started playing. Before I entered lala land/ dream land, I felt something on my lips.

" Nngh..." I woke up to find myself in my room. ' Was it a dream? ' I thought but I realized that I was in FBT shorts so it wasn't a dream. I suddenly thought of the thing pressed against my lips, wondering what was that before looking around and finding a yellow tulip.


I was practicing my trumpet when the door opened. I saw Ayumi standing there and I stopped playing the trumpet. I asked why was she awake and she told me that she couldn't sleep and requested for me to play Gavotte for her. I smiled and nodded my head. After playing, she was asleep, snoring softly. I looked at her sadly and said ' I can't break you up with that Seiichi guy...he can give you happiness, not like me..but at least...for now....let me be with you.....' As I pressed my lips against hers. I carried her princess style back to her room and placed a flower, a yellow tulip on her table. It's just like me..the rose.

// Done heheheheheheh. I was down with an infection so.... yeah! I'm back :) btw.......YELLOW TULIP MEANS UNREQUITED LOVE.  get it? It's a sad love story for Irie >_> My bishieeeeee 
Anyways, I'll be setting up a Prince of tennis fan fiction/ Various x OC fanfic :) Request are allowed!!!! find the story on my main page~ //
Muahahhaha okay bubbye~ xD 

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