Chapter 35 - Giving each other a break. [ Happy 17k ! ]

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// Hello there once again, sorry for the late updates!! >< I was just kinda shocked to see 72 notification and saw new voters, commenters and lastly readers! Wanna thank all of you who fitted in this 3 categories and just a short speech before we start on this chapter.  We've hit-ted 17 k today which is a woahhhhhh loads of people! I wanna say thanks to readers, voters, commenters and anyone which supports this story. Btw, nobody felt sad for Ayumiii but for Irie xD COmmpletely out of my expectation xD So I'ma dedicate this chapter to all of you <3 //


Lei Ayumi POV

Soon the fake doubles match between the players are done. I saw the results board and realized that not only did Sanada and Seiichi played together. Marui and Jackel, Niou and Yagyuu, Yanagi and Ayaka played together. The winners were Seiichi, Marui and Yagyuu and lastly Ayaka. I heard that the match for Ayaka and Yanagi turned sour as Yanagi gave up when he only needed a point to win for and to let Ayaka shine. Ayaka was of course devastated and Yanagi to take it back while Yanagi said. " Ayaka. Do your best. " and Yanagi left to go somewhere. 

' I'm sure that all of them are angry with me......especially Ayaka....I'm.....I'm really sorry..........' I thought to myself. I quickly left the area and went to the gym. I saw Kazuya at the gym running. He looked at me and stopped running. " Ayumi. What happened. " In really cold way like him but people who are closed to him can feel that Little sound of concern. I looked at him in the eye and said, " I......I didn't told Seiichi about the fake doubles match....and he's- no, the whole rikkai team must be angry at me.......Was I wrong to not tell him about the doubles match? "  I sigh. 

" Ayumi. You did the right thing. Don't feel sad. " before continuing his run. I looked at him before smiling. " Thanks. You know, Irie also cheered me up just now, he's really nice. "  I said as I got on the bicycle pedals.  I missed the gaze which kazuya gave me. 

Tokugawa Kazuya POV

As Ayumi walked in, she didn't had that happy aura....she was somewhat unhappy. I decided to ask her what happened. I looked at her as she replied that the fake doubles match might cause some strain to her's and Yukimura-san relationship. Now, I can't see how is that Yukimura guy going to make Ayumi happy. She then thanked me and said that Irie also cheered her up. I looked at her, wait, I stared at her. She didn't know that Irie had a crush on her for so long? It's sure tough for Irie.

Lei Ayumi POV

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip : 2HRS LATER // Late Afternoon //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked at Seiich-Yukimura as he said " Let's give each other a break. " You must be wondering why did such an incident happen, right? 10 minutes ago.............

I was walking on the bench on the way to the water cooler after a run around the campus. I saw Seiichi and I walked towards him. " Hi Seii-" " Don't greet me. Don't say my name, you're to address me as Yukimura. " I looked at him. " I'm really-" : Excuses! What's more important than our team?! I had to crush Sanada, so did Niou, Yagyuu, Marui, Jackel, Ayaka and Yanagi! Did you even thought about us?! "  " I- " " Anyways, let's give each other a break. " ...........

I looked at me and saddly nodded me head. " Fine then..." as he slowly walked off.


SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ><


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