Chapter 9- Bonding!

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| "The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us. " |


"Who is Atobe? Is he the heir to the Atobe Corps?" I asked the other Regulars. We were setting off and doing our final checks at Yukimura's house, before heading to Tokyo. 

 " a very rich and *erhm-snobby* person. " Yagyuu replied me. Did Yagyuu sempai just called a person snobby?! It's so not him!! I thought to myself. and Jackel sempai continued " He is also a very flirty person, Ayumi, you need to be extremely careful."

Suddenly Yukiumura -sempai coughed out loud and said "Why you guys address Lei by Ayumi? When did you guys know each other? How come I don't know? " He asked with his ever smiling face.

I then replied, " We met on the first day of school at Lawson, I was fighting for a bread with Marui -sempai. " and Yanagi changed the topic by continuing to say, "Ayumi, Atobe is a good tennis player. He won many matches, and there is only a 60% you will defeat him." and I smirked. 

 " Isn't it good? He's strong. " 

"Yanagi. You also call Lei by Ayumi?" and he had his sadistic smile on his face. "100% I will suffer punishment when I return to school." He mumbled to himself as he quickly packed his bag. Yukimura sempai asked me, " Why is he allowed to call you,  Ayumi? " 

" He is a Sempai, and he can choose what name he wants to address me by. " I say nonchalantly, not knowing why Yukimura is so concerned about the name calling.

No One's POV

The tennis team reached Atobe mansion and entered to see the Hyotei's regulars eating foie Gras- which is some high class food, when suddenly Jirou screamed " Marui-sama! " Which he began to chase after Marui had ran off. 

Atobe turned around, planning on teasing the members, on how poor they were, when he saw Lei and walked right up to her, kissing her hand and said " Hello, there beautiful, I am so happy to be in front of such a beautiful face." and he winked, trying to get her attention which she ignored. He felt deflated, but at the meantime, shocked. She actually ignored the person whom thousands of girls would be begging for to know.


'Ewww....he is really flirty....' I thought as I yanked my hands away from Atobe. 

"Thanks." I contined, as Sanada coughed- to divert the attention of Atobe from me. They huddled up in one corner and began to discus the matches, and who would be playing against who.

" Lei - Ayaka , Yagyuu - Niou , Marui - Jackel , Yanagi , Sanada." and they will be against " Ootori - Shishido , Oshitari - Gakuto , Jiro - kabagi , Atobe. Taki*." They said together.

"Hmm...Let's play then, Kabagi."

"Usu."He replied and soon,we were headed for the courts. "Who shall play against who?"  Ayaka asked. 

" We'll play against Ootori and Shishido. " I said, as I begin to strategist.

"You own the left court and I'll take the right court." I told Ayaka softly and he nodded his head.

"Lei Ayumi - Ootori - Shishido. Ootori to serve." I smiled. Soon Ootori shot his ball and I caught it immediately and returned. We soon entered a rally and the ball accidentally grazed against Ayaka cheeks and he entered devils mode. 

"  I'll dye you red!" He crackled, and soon Ayaka snatched all the ball and shot it back injuring both players and I said "Forfeit...or else..." and they forfeited. I controlled Ayaka " devil mode" by pouring a glass of water on his head, effectively cooling him down. 

He reluctantly apologize to both Shishido and Ootori after being persuaded by me. Soon we left to go back to Rikkai's tennis area. and Yukimura praised us for our hard work, and how we managed to crush most of the players in Hyotei. I smiled. 

'Is there anyway to change Ayaka's, play style?'  I thought to myself, as Marui recalled his match. 

- Flashback-

Referee " Kabaji Jiro - Marui Jackel .Marui to serve." "Marui-sama I have been waiting for this day for so long! If I win can you give me your wristband?" and Marui looked freaked out. Marui nodded his head. Soon they were playing volley and rally when Jiro fell asleep. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MATCH.

Sanada : "tarundoro!"
Atobe : Facepalm.
Shishido : "Geki Geki Daze."

- Flashback Over -

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