Chapter 57

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‘Can I ask you something?’ Luke asked.
We were walking through Hawera, going nowhere specific.
‘Ask away’ I said. I couldn’t get rid of the smile on my face after what happened yesterday.
‘How long have you known?’
I thought back to when I found out and laughed.
‘That day when we were fighting over the bathroom and I had to pick up your phone’
‘Who called?’ he didn’t sound angry, just curious.
‘I promised him not to tell you who it was’ I said anyway.
Luke sighed ‘Please? Please just tell me’
‘I can’t. He said you might start fighting him for it and I don’t want to be the one breaking up your band’
Luke smiled and looked at our hands.
We turned a corner and continued walking, not really thinking about where we were going.
‘I won’t fight him over it, I promise. If anything I should thank him, otherwise I might have never been able to do this in public’ Luke said, pressing his lips against mine shortly.
I shyly looked at my feet and bit my lip, trying to hide my flushed cheeks.
Luke grinned and pressed a kiss on my cheek while letting go of my hand and pulling me in a hug.
‘It was Ashton’ I said against his chest, deciding I could just tell him since he really did look like he was happy.
‘Oh, so that’s why he left me several messages asking me if he could get your number’
‘He did that?’ I asked, as we continued walking.
Luke nodded. ‘He also said that it was important but I’m secretly a little selfish and I wanted to keep you all for myself’
I smiled and shook my head.
‘I guess that is what he wanted to talk to me about’ I said, looking down as Luke’s phone started ringing.
He took it out of his pocket and grinned.
‘speaking of the devil’ he said before answering the phone.
‘Ashton!’ he said excitedly.
For the first time since I’ve met Luke, he didn’t put the phone on speaker, which was kind of weird.
‘Yes, you can talk to her’ he said, pushing the phone in my hands and winking at me.
‘Hello?’ I said, even though I already knew it was Ashton.
‘Hey, eh…It’s Ashton’ he mumbled. 
‘I eh…well…I know I’m a little late with this, but Luke didn’t want to give me your number…but I’m sorry about the other night. I shouldn’t have said that and I realised how much of a dick I was for putting you in this position. Especially since I asked you not to tell him, but…you can tell him if you want. He’ll get over it eventually’ he sounded really sad, like he was really regretting what he had said.
I smiled and looked up at Luke who just pulled me closer.
‘It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize. I might have accidentally told him already yesterday’
‘You did?! Please tell me he didn’t yell at you. Luke’s scary when he’s angry and yelling’
I laughed ‘There was some yelling, but it’s alright now’
Ashton sighed and I could almost see him rub his face the way Luke does sometimes.
‘Can you give the phone to Luke for a second?’ he asked.
‘Why? Are you going to yell at him?’
‘I might’
‘There’s no need for that, I can handle myself’ I said, grateful that he wanted to stick up for me, even though we’ve never met before, but not really seeing the use of him yelling at Luke when that’s exactly what I had already done.
‘Just let me yell at him, just 5 seconds’
‘Why do you want to yell at him? I yelled at him already yesterday, there’s no need for more’ I laughed.
Luke smiled and put his hands up, telling me to hand him his phone.
I pulled away from him and stopped walking, thinking he would continue without me, even though I should know better.
He looked at me, a daring look in his eyes.
‘But I’m sure my yelling will be a little louder than yours so, please.’ Ashton said, completely unaware of what was going on.
Luke took a few steps closer just as I took a few steps back.
‘I’m sorry Ashton, I’m afraid I’m going to have to run for the hills now’ I said, a giggle escaping from my mouth as Luke started running.
I tried running away from him, but I was not even halfway down the street by the time one of his arms wrapped around my waist and the other tried taking his phone out of my hands.
I shrieked and laughed as I tried to keep the phone as far away from him as possible.
‘Come on,’ Luke laughed, his arms were way longer than mine but I had 2 hands and he only had one.
‘Just let him yell at me if he wants to’ he got a hold of his phone and immediately put it against his ear.
I turned around to face him, his arm still around my waist.
‘You can yell now’ Luke said, a smile still lightening up his face.
‘Well, I could answer that, but I won’t because you were going to yell at me’ Luke said, pulling the phone away from his ear and putting it on speaker so I could hear it too.
‘I knew it! Now I’m not going to yell at you anymore, I’m just going to say I told you so, you dickhead’ Ashton said excitedly.
I laughed and dropped my head against Luke’s chest as we both listened to Ashton who couldn't stop giggling and asking us when they were going to meet me. 


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