Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up at 11. Which is probably the latest I've ever slept in.

The heavy feeling in my chest was back the second I woke up but I didn't feel like starting my day with bawling my eyes out.

That's what my day ended with last night and that was bad enough.

I had told myself not to think about my parents or give in to that heavy feeling in my chest but eventually I cracked and couldn't stop it anymore.

I shook my head in an attempt to get rid of the thoughts and got out of bed.

I took a very long and hot shower and went downstairs afterwards to eat breakfast. Wearing nothing more than a towel around my body.

Once I was in the kitchen I looked in the refrigerator for food but except for some cheese and the tiniest little bit of milk there was nothing left.

I knew we ran out of bread, that's the main reason my parents went to go grocery shopping.

I grabbed the only apple that was left and sat down on the kitchen counter.

The silence I heard next was overwhelming and I was relieved when I heard the doorbell ring.

I walked to the door, unlocked it and then slowly opened it.

'Hi' I said, feeling the cold wind blow around my legs. I was instantly reminded that I was only wearing a towel, and I automatically grabbed the top of it, making sure it wasn't going to fall off.

'Hi' Luke answered looking everywhere but to me, while scratching the back of his neck.

I tried to fight the smile that was about to show up on my face as I said: 'what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on your way to another place right now?'

Luke smiled 'Well, Auckland is a big city so I decided to stay for a few days. And since you told me yesterday that you had never been outside before then, I figured that, maybe, you'd want to come with me?'

'Really?' I asked. 'Are you sure you want me to come with you?'

'I wouldn't be here if I didn't want you to come with me now would I?'

I grinned. 'I guess you're right. Come in'

Luke followed me into the house and sat down on the couch.

'I'll go get dressed' I said as I walked to the stairs.

'Wait' Luke said.

'Yeah?' I said as I turned around to face him.

'Are you really, like, completely naked under that?' He asked, trying to hide his smile but failing.

'Yes, I am. I didn't expect you to just walk back into my house again' I grinned as I walked upstairs to change.

I quickly grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom to put them on.

Once I got my clothes on and had done my make-up and hair, I walked back downstairs.

'Okay, I'm done' I said as I faced Luke.

He looked up from his phone and looked at me.

'Good, let's go then' he smiled and stood up.

I grabbed my keys and bag as I followed him out of the door, locking it carefully.

I turned around and almost bumped into my neighbour again.

'Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you' I apologised.

'it's alright dear,' she answered with a sweet smile. 'So who's the boy?'

'Ow, that's Luke. I sort of got lost yesterday and he helped me find my way back home' I explained.

The old woman nodded.

'He looks familiar don't you think?' she asked me.

I looked at Luke who was standing against a car, looking at me and my neighbour.

'Not to me, no, I'm sorry. I've never seen him before. Well except for last night of course.' I answered.

'Alright then darling, have fun! And don't be home too late, it's not good for your health' she said as she walked away.

I watched the old lady walk to her own house and made my way to Luke once she was inside.

'We're going to drive. It's a little too far to walk to the other side of the city' Luke said when I was standing in front of him.

'Okay,' I nodded. 'But I've never been in a car before. Just so you know'

'Yeah, I thought so. Don't worry I'll be careful' he answered.

He opened the door for me and told me to sit down.

I did what he said and sat down. Waiting for him to get in on the other side of the car.

He opened his door, sat down and looked at me.

'You have to grab that thing over there and get it stuck in this thing' Luke pointed at the large strap beside me. Again I did what he said and put it on.

Luke did the same and started the car.

'You ready?' he asked me.

'I think so,' I answered 'Just drive before I want to get out'

Luke smiled and we drove away.

In the beginning it scared me a bit that I was moving, without actually moving, but the longer we drove, the better I felt and I was actually a little bit disappointed when we stopped.

'We're here' Luke said.

'Where is here again?' I asked as we both stepped out of the car and walked to the entrance.

'Well, you see. There's this thing I really like, an animal actually. I don't know how much you know about that, but they're called penguins'

'All I know about animals is that they exist, and I know their names. So I do now what penguins are. My mom taught me maths with animals because I was too stubborn to listen to her otherwise.'

Luke smiled. 'Good. For a minute there I was afraid you didn't know any animals and I was going to have to name them all'

I smiled. 'No Luke, I don't know much. But I do know the basic stuff.'

We stopped walking when we reached the end of a line and waited until we could walk further.


Here in holland it's still technically i didn't lie when i said i'd be up tuesday or wednesday...sorry it's so late though...i had a very busy couple days...

But i hope you liked it!

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