Flying banana pancakes

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Alright! So, I have this thing a friend of mine came up with.

And they're like little spin-off's of this story (which, will be updated AFTER the sequel ends...I think)

The spin-off's will be either very long one shots or just a (very) short story.

My friend (because she came up with the idea) already claimed Ashton...but I still have a Michael and a Calum spin-off left.

So, if you're interested in being a part of the sequel (a very very small part but a part nontheless) and being the main character in the spin-off's, all you need to do is think of the main character for the spin-off (which will be you if you win it)

So think of a name (it can be your own name if you want), age, what they look like (include a picture if you want), just...her character so is a mean ass potato or a sweet, Starbucks loving, innocent carrot.

Also include a little bit of history about her, did she go through something when she was little? Did she have a boring life and did nothing ever really happen?

Does she have any brothers or sisters? What about her parents?

I need to know basically everything! :)

Also, I've been saying she but I'll consider a he if you come up with a very good idea (although there will be no Malum I'm sorry) (and no other bromances inside the band it'll have to be a new guy)

I was going to say something else...

Oh right, also, don't forget to include for which spin-off your entry is :)

If you get picked, I'll obviously let everyone know here and I'll send you a message so we can talk about what you want to happen in the story (It's your character after all and I have no idea what I want to happen in the spin-off's)

So we'll basically be doing a little collaboration for your spin-off :)

You can send your entry in a message or in the comments and I'll read everything and write it down and see if I can maybe come up with some ideas and stuff.

The winner (If anyone would actually like to participate in this hahaa) will be announced at the end of the month (so the 30th of June) and you can send in your entries until the 28th (I'll probably be reading them as soon as you send them to me so I don't think I need a lot of time deciding who I pick..unless you come up with some crazy good ideas...which you probably will, but then that's my problem haha :))

Anyway...yeah I think that's it so go create your character and send it to me somewhere in the next 2 weeks and good luck to you all haha :)

let the games begin! (alright that was lame I'm sorry)

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