Chapter 16

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After dinner we went back to the car and drove around a bit looking for a hotel to stay in for the night.

it was only 9 PM but I was ridiculously tired.

My head rested against the window and I had my eyes closed but I didn't want to fall asleep yet.

The car slowly stopped and I opened my eyes to see we were standing in a parking lot.

I looked at Luke who smiled at me. 'I'll go see if there is a room left alright? You just wait in the car' he softly said.

I nodded and watched him get out of the car into the building.

I looked around again, suddenly feeling a little terrified.

It was dark outside and the only light came from the building Luke just disappeared in.

There was no one outside, as far as I could see, but then again, I couldn't really see very far since it was dark.

I heard a loud noise and immediately looked to where it came from.

I could feel my heart beat in my chest and my breathing heightened.

A man walked behind the car and I watched him as he put his car keys in his pocket and took his wallet out of the other, while making his way to the building.

I sighed and sat back down in the chair, trying to calm both my heart and my breathing down.

when I heard another noise I decided Luke took too long so I got out of the car and made my way into the building.

I spotted Luke talking to an older lady and I walked right up to him.

Taking him by surprise as I basically forced him in a hug.

He didn't hug me back immediately, too taken aback by my action.

But when he got back to his senses he wrapped an arm around me and started drawing little circles on my back.

'What's wrong?' he asked. 'Are you okay?'

I nodded and slowly let him go. 'I'm okay' I said.

I looked at the older lady and smiled apologetically.

She smiled sweetly back at me and then focused back on Luke.

'okay, here's your key, it's room number 54. It's on the first floor at the end of the hall.' She explained. Luke nodded and thanked her as we walked back to the car.

'Are you sure you're okay?' he asked when we were back at the car.

I nodded again, feeling a little safer now that Luke was here.

'I'm okay' I answered. Luke looked at me suspiciously, but eventually let it slide and opened the trunk.

He grabbed another bag and opened it. He then opened both of our suitcases and looked at me again.

'Alright, just grab some stuff you need tonight and tomorrow morning, and put it in this bag. That way we won't have to take our whole suitcases with us. And we'll have a lot less stuff to clean up tomorrow.' Luke explained.

I nodded and grabbed my stuff, putting it in the bag and closing the suitcase again when I was done.

Luke did the same and grabbed the backpack, swinging it over his shoulder and closing the trunk.

He locked the car and we walked back inside the hotel.

'What floor did she say our room was on again?' Luke asked.

I grinned and looked at him. 'I think it was the first floor'

Luke nodded and we went upstairs.

We walked to the first floor and into our hotel room.

'There's only one bed, but the lady downstairs said we could move one of them aside, so that it's two separate beds' Luke said.

He dropped the bag on the couch and walked over to the beds. I followed him and helped him to try and separate the beds.

We pulled on the side of it, trying to get it to move, but either the bed was to heavy or we were just not strong enough.

'It's not moving' Luke said after we tried for a few minutes.

I grinned and let my head rest on the side of the bed.

'nope,' I softly said. 'we're such weak people'

Luke stood up and walked back to the couch.

'Well, never mind then. I'll sleep on the couch you can have the bed.' He said.

He opened the backpack and got his clothes out.

He walked into another room, which I guessed was the bathroom.

'Are you sure?' I asked. 'I mean, I'm pretty sure you already paid for this room. And that room includes the bed.'

I walked to the backpack and got my pyjama's out of it.

Luke opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.

'yes I'm sure, trust me I can sleep everywhere' he said.

I nodded and walked into the bathroom, changing in my pyjamas.

When I walked back out Luke had made himself comfortable on the couch and was looking at his phone.

I dropped my clothes on the chair where the backpack and Luke's clothes were too and yawned.

'alright, I'm going to sleep then' I announced.

Luke looked up from his phone and smiled at me shortly.

'alright, goodnight. If something's wrong you can always wake me up' he answered.

I nodded and walked to the bedroom.

I closed the door behind me and laid down in bed.

I took the letter my parents wrote for me out of my bra and read it again.

I got it out of my shorts when I went to change and had nowhere else to leave it but in my bra.

After I'd read it once, I read it again and again. Until I couldn't keep back my tears and I let them run down my cheeks freely. I laid down in bed and turned the light off to make sure I wasn't going to draw any attention to me.

I held the piece of paper against my chest and hugged it tightly.

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