Chapter 15

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‘okay, so what about this place? That looks nice right?’ I asked.
We were back in the car and we were driving past some little restaurants.
Luke told me to look at them and pick something out. Even though I had never been to restaurant before in my entire life and didn’t know how to actually pick between all of them.
‘It does look nice,’ Luke answered.
He parked the car and we got out.
‘Let’s see what they have’ Luke said.
We walked to the restaurant I pointed to and Luke walked up to a little sort of book that was lying on a table outside.
‘Let’s not eat here, it’s a fish restaurant’ Luke said after he took a look at the little book.
‘No, let’s not do that’ I grinned.
We walked away from the restaurant and stopped at the next one which was right beside the other one.
Luke walked in front of me, straight to the little book thing and I quietly followed him.
He took a good look at it, playing with his lip ring while doing so.
He looked up at me, and motioned for me to come a little closer.
‘you never ate in a restaurant before did you?’ Luke asked.
I shook my head and looked down at the little book thing.
‘Well, this thing is the menu. This is all the food you can eat here. That’s why there’s one outside. So you can take a look at it and see if there’s anything you’d like to try.’ Luke quietly explained.
‘the only problem is I’ve never eaten most of this’ I answered him just as quiet.
‘Well, there’s more than just fish here so I say we just give it a try?’ Luke asked.
‘I’m sure there’s something you’ll like’
I nodded, and followed Luke as he walked inside.
He asked one of the people who worked there for a table and we were told to follow him.
The old man showed us our table and we sat down.
Another person came at our table and handed us our menus before walking away again.
‘Okay,’ Luke said while opening his menu.
‘I already know what I want. But I’ll help you find something’ he smiled.
I nodded, thankful that he didn’t let me figure this out on my own.
‘So what do you want? Do you want something with meat or pasta or something with fish, or something vegetarian.’ Luke asked.
I frowned and continued looking at the menu.
‘I’m not sure what I want’
Luke grinned. ‘you can take your time. we have all night’
I smiled and looked up from my menu.
‘well good, because I’m a very indecisive person’
Luke smiled and looked at me.
Only now I realised how blue his eyes really were.
I shamelessly stared at it as he stared back at me.
‘would you like something to drink?’ I looked away from Luke, to the place the voice came from, and was met with a girl. She looked a little older than me and smiled sweetly at both of us.
Luke ordered us some drinks and we went back to the menu.
‘I think I’m going with a pasta’ I said.
‘Good choice,’ Luke answered. ‘which one?’
I looked at all the different types of pasta on the menu and sighed.
‘Which one would you take?’ I asked.
Luke smiled.
‘I would take the second one’
I nodded and closed the menu.
‘then I’ll take that one. I’m putting all my trust in you now’
Luke smile grew bigger as he looked down and closed his own menu.
‘mistake number one’ he said.
I laughed and looked up at the lady who came back with our drinks.
We ordered our food and waited for it to arrive. 



Sorry if this was a little boring it was just a filler. 
Also, i'm running out of chapters already...fuck you school. 
Anyway, i also need to figure some things out for this story and i can't continue writing until i've done that. 
So that's what i'm going to do now, because i refuse to study any more than i already have today...
i forgot where i was going with this hahahaa...fuck me...
Anyway, next chapter will be up on saturday and i'll do my best to create more chapters as soon as i can so you won't be without any!

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