Chapter 64

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‘Oh god’ I mumbled.
‘Why did I say yes to this again?’ I looked at the kayak in front of us.
Luke smiled and took my hand.
‘Come on, you’re safe I promise’
‘But what if something happens?’
‘Nothing is going to happen. If you fall in the water I’ll jump in and safe your cute little ass alright? Besides, we’re wearing life jackets so technically we can’t drown’
I grinned and wrapped my arms around his waist.
‘Alright let’s go then before I freak out too much’ I said, grabbing Luke’s hand again and quickly dragging him to the kayak.
Luke helped me in the kayak and waited until I sat down before he easily pushed the kayak further into the water.
He sat down in the kayak himself and turned around shortly to make sure I was okay.
‘You ready?’ he asked.
‘No, but let’s just go’ I said.
We slowly started paddling, making our way further onto the water.
There were just a few people out in the water at this moment and it both made me feel safe and scared me a little at the same time.
The water wasn’t going crazy because there wasn't a lot of movement, which was a good thing, but if something would suddenly happen, there were only just a few people who could help us out.
I was scared, but not as scared as I thought I’d be.
About 10 minutes passed in which we barely said anything, until Luke stopped paddling and carefully turned around as far as he could.
‘This water actually looks really disgusting doesn’t it?’ I said, looking down at the water beneath us.
Luke laughed and nodded.
‘Yeah it’s like someone took a massive shit in it’
I grinned and looked up at him, lifting my hand up to shield my eyes from the sun that was high up in the sky.
I was actually really surprised that I didn’t get a really bad sunburn yet, but I decided not to question it.
‘We can jump in and take a swim?’ Luke suggested.
I looked at him and shook my head.
‘Please?’ he said, pouting like a 6 year old.
‘I’ll jump in first and help you out. You don’t even have to swim yourself you can just…hang on my back or something.’ he said, already standing up and getting ready to jump in.
‘I don’t think that’s a good idea. How are we even going to get back in the kayak afterwards?’
‘I don’t know, we’ll figure something out okay? I’m not getting out of this water before you are safely back in this thing. The water is probably not even that deep’
I looked at the water and sighed.
‘You know you’ll regret it later if you don’t go in now’
‘Okay, fine. But if I die in there, please make sure my grave says something funny’
Luke laughed and nodded.
‘I’ll make sure it says “too punk rock for the world to handle” or “They have delicious cookies in hell”’ He jumped in the water before I could say anything else and I watched him as he disappeared under water, and came back up within a second.
He turned around to face me and held out his hand.
‘Take my hand’ he said, smiling at me reassuringly, his eyes showed nothing but determination.
I slowly moved a little closer to the edge and took his hand.
‘How do I even get out of this thing?’ I nervously grinned.
‘You jump’
‘I’m not jumping, I’ll drown if I jump’
‘You might if I wouldn’t be here to pull you back up, but I am, and I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Just trust me alright?’
‘You do realize you’re basically asking me to trust you with my life right?’
‘Yes I know, but I’ve kept you alive so far, why would I kill you now?’
I sighed and looked around.
That were all the excuses I had to try and not go in the water.
‘Alright, but don’t let go of me’
‘I won’t, not in a million years, would I let go of you’
I carefully stood up, as far as that was possible while still holding Luke’s hand.
‘Just make sure you hold your breath until I pulled you back up and you’ll be perfectly fine’
I nodded, pushed all my thoughts to the back of my head where I couldn’t hear them anymore, took a deep breath and quickly jumped in the water.
Within seconds the, almost warm, water surrounded me and I unconsciously squeezed Luke’s hand so tight that I wouldn’t be surprised if my hand was marked in his for the next couple of days.
Luke’s other hand immediately grabbed my waist and easily pulled me back up, pressing my body against his to make sure I wouldn’t sink back down.
His smile basically covered his entire face when I opened my eyes and let the fresh air fill my lungs.
‘Oh my god,’ I mumbled, allowing Luke to shake my hand out of his and instead, placing my hand on his shoulder.
Instinctively, my legs started moving around to try and keep my head above the water.
Luke just kept smiling and bit his lip while looking at me.
‘I honestly didn’t think you were going to do it but damn, you proved me wrong’ he said, pressing a kiss against my cheek.
‘I’m proud of you V'

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