Chapter 10

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‘Bye Luke’ I said softly.
I was actually really sad about Luke leaving, but he had to continue his road trip and I had to figure out where I wanted to go.
‘Bye,’ Luke replied ‘I had fun, these few day’
I nodded and smiled ‘me too’
He walked out of the door and went straight to his car.
I looked at him until he had disappeared and slowly walked back inside.
It was only 11 PM but I was tired so I decided to get ready for bed.
I walked upstairs, passing my parents’ bedroom without even looking at it.
I walked into my bedroom and changed in my pyjamas.
Then I went to the bathroom and got my make-up off of my face, brushed my teeth and went back downstairs.
I locked the door, turned all the lights off and went back upstairs.
Just as I laid in bed and was about to fall asleep the doorbell rang.
I turned my bedroom light on and looked through my window.
I couldn’t see our front door from here but I could see Luke’s car standing in front of my house, or at least it looked like Luke’s car.
The doorbell rang again, longer this time.
I walked downstairs, turning all of the lights on as I did.
Once I reached the door, I unlocked and opened it and Luke showed up right in front of me.
He barged passed me, into the living room.
I closed the door confused and just when I was about to ask what he was doing here he started talking.
‘please come with me,’ he said, looking straight at me. ‘I know I said I wanted to do this road trip on my own, but when I was on my way back to the hotel I realised I didn’t really want to be alone, I just wanted someone else to hang out with. I mean the guys are great, they really are but I just need some time for myself sometimes, and I thought that’s what I wanted right now, but I don’t. I don’t want to be alone, I just needed some time away from my own hectic life, and that’s something I can’t not think about when I’m alone. And I know I’m probably not making any sense but please, please, come with me.’
I looked at him, completely  blown away by his words.
‘please’ he begged me when I didn’t answer.
I looked away from him and  sighed, thinking really hard about what I was going to say to him.
‘Luke,’ I started ‘I can’t just leave’
‘Yes you can! That’s the thing, all you have to do is pack your bags and get in the car. Besides, it might be a good way for you to figure out where you’re going to go without actually staying in this house. I know you don’t really like staying here anymore’
‘Can I just think about it?’ I carefully asked after a few minutes of silence.
Disappointment was all I could see when I looked up at him again.
‘of course,’ he said, probably already preparing himself to do the rest of the road trip on his own.
‘I just figured you might want to come with me, since you’ve already said multiple times, that you’d like to do a road trip too.’
‘I get it, I do want to do a road trip and I do want to go with you. I’m just not sure if I can leave this house behind yet.’ I explained.
10 minutes later I was back in bed.
I had told Luke to come back in the morning and I’d have my answer then.
It didn’t give me much time to think this trough, but it was all I was going to get.
I spent the whole night thinking about it.
I really wanted to go but since my parents are gone now, this house was all I had left to remember them by.
It felt empty, knowing that they aren’t here but at the same time, it was the only place I felt safe enough.
Leaving would mean I had to leave both my parents and my only safe space behind me, but I knew I was going to leave here someday, and it was only going to get harder the longer i waited.
I needed distraction and Luke was doing a very good job in distracting me so I wasn’t going to get stuck in my own little “circle of sadness”.
I sighed as I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep.


sorry this one is so short...i kind off had to split this thing in 2 because it was waaaaaaaaaay  to long to be one chapter.
And this was the only place i could actually stop sorry!!  
But one the plus side...the next chapter will be quite long and the story is -hopefully- going to get better from here and i'm so excited for you to read it! :D 

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