Chapter 37

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We stopped walking as our guide started telling an old story about 2 men, getting lost in the cave because their lights didn’t work anymore.
‘You see,’ he said ‘Only this little light I’m holding here, is what will get us out of here safely. If I turn it off,’ He looked at the little lamp he was holding, he reached for the on and off button and turned it off.
I couldn’t tell you how happy I was at that moment that I was still holding Luke’s hand.
‘there’s no way, you’ll ever find your way out of this place. There’s no light coming from anywhere because we’re too deep under the ground. Luckily though, If you were to get lost here, you would be dead in a few days due to the cold temperature. ’
The man turned the light back on and we continued walking as if nothing ever happened.
We walked for another 10 minutes before we stopped at a little platform.
The soft sound of dripping water was heard everywhere and I looked at where the platform ended.
All I could see was water.
There were little boats where we had to get on.
Luke got in first and I followed, squeezing his hand a little tighter as if that was going to stop me from falling.
We sat down and the boat quietly started moving.
For a while there was not very much to see until the boat slowed down and the man started talking again.
‘Alright, if we’re lucky now, and we can all be very quiet. We might get to see the glow worms’
 Everyone went quiet and I shivered from the cold.
Luke grinned and pulled me a little closer to him to try and warm me up.
I leaned in to him, stealing his warmth in attempt to be less cold myself.
I could see little clouds forming from my breath, telling me it really was cold in here.
Just when I was about to ask Luke what we were going to see, there appeared 2 little blue-ish dots on one of the walls.
I sat up a little straighter, unconsciously putting my hand on Luke’s thigh to try and get a little closer to the glow worms.
More dots appeared and before I could even get my thoughts straight, the whole wall was filled with them.
It looked a lot like the sky during the night, the glow worms looked like shining bright stars.
It was by far the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
I looked at Luke who was already looking at me.
‘Omygod’ I mouthed, no words coming out of my mouth because I wasn’t that stupid.
The only reason they appeared was because we were all completely quiet.
He just smiled and moved a little closer to him so I could see the wall better.
I wanted to say so many things, but I didn’t want those glow worms to leave so I kept my mouth shut.
I looked up at Luke, he was smiling at me, probably because of the overly excited look I had on my face.
I looked at his eyes, the glow worms gave off enough light to actually be able to see something.
His eyes seemed to be bluer than they were before.
He looked at me, his smile faded as he inspected my face.
Somehow I couldn’t get my eyes off of him, and I also didn’t want to.
They were a lot more interesting than the glow worms.
I was suddenly very aware of how close we were.
I had no idea what was going on, but I had seen enough movies to know what it probably looked like to the other people on the boat.
Luke placed a hand on my cheek, his eyes now going from my eyes, to my lips and then back to my eyes.
My heartbeat started to race and my breathing heightened.
I had no time to think about anything else because Luke’s face slowly inched closer.
I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest as we both closed our eyes and his lips softly touched mine.
It felt weird, but it wasn’t a bad kind of weird. In fact I didn’t really want it to stop.
I had no idea what I was doing or what Luke expected me to be doing.
But I somehow managed to continue the kiss.
Our lips moving against each other as all the other people on the boat focused on the glow worms.
I carefully placed my hands in Luke’s neck to try and make it a little better.
I suddenly heard someone clap his hands and Luke and I both pulled away, looking at our guide.
‘alright, let’s continue’ he said, smiling at all of us.
The glow worms had disappeared and the boat started moving a little faster again as I focused back on Luke.
We had completely separated from each other when the guide clapped his hands and we were now just awkwardly sitting beside each other.  
Luke was staring at his feet, a confused look on his face.
He was biting the inside of his cheek.
He looked up at me and sighed. I couldn’t read his expression and I didn’t like it.
I needed to know what he was thinking, even if it was a bad thing.
It probably was a bad thing, otherwise he would’ve already said something.
The boat stopped at another platform and we all had to get off.
I stood up, deciding I could just try and get out myself but Luke stopped me.
I looked at him, but he ignored it.
He got out of the boat and stuck his hand out for me to take it.
I smiled to myself. Even if he was thinking really bad things right now, at least he still cared enough to help me out. 

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