Chapter 70

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'You're so mean' I pouted, when I reached Luke.
He innocently smiled at me and pulled me in a hug.
'Or you're just really slow' he said, turning us around to face the penguins.
I smiled 'I'm not slow, you're just ridiculously fast'
Luke smiled, pressing a kiss against my cheek.
He had his arms draped around my waist and his head was on my shoulder.
'That's what you get when you date someone who's used to running around on a stage' he smiled.
I let my head fall against his and looked at the penguins.
They weren't really doing much, so Luke wasn't as excited as he was back in Auckland.
'Well can another perk be that I get to actually hear you play guitar,' I asked, playing with one of his fingers 'or that I get to hear you sing and it actually sounds good?'
'Maybe someday' he smiled, a playful grin on his face.
'If not I can always just use my majestic phone to look it up, I'm sure I'll find something on the internet'
'Oh you will find something, as soon as you found out what the band is called. I think I've said it once but I don't think you remember since keep calling it "the band"' Luke said.
I turned around in his arms, so that I was facing him, resting my hands against his chest as he smiled at me.
Still after all these weeks, he couldn't stop smiling, he smiled and laughed about everything and I was surprised his cheeks didn't hurt at the end of the day.
'What's it called?' I asked, knowing I wasn't going to get an answer out of him.
Luke shook his head and looked at the penguins.
'Look, I think one of them is going to swim' he said. From the way his eyes lit up in excitement I knew he wasn't actually lying but I didn't want to let the penguins distract me.
'Lucas' I pouted.
Luke looked at me 'that's not my name!' he said, but he smiled anyway.
'Tell me what the band is called' I said, wrapping my arms around his waist.
'No' he chuckled, wrapping his arms around my neck.
I sighed and turned my head around a little so that I could see the penguins swimming around in the water.
'If you don't want to tell me, I guess I'll just have to ask someone else' I said, letting Luke's waist go with one of my hands and slowly trailing it down.
'What are you doing?' Luke asked, looking at my hand with slightly widened eyes.
I grinned, quickly pushing my hand in his pocket and pulling his phone out.
'No!' Luke said, trying to take his phone out of my hands.
I laughed, somehow getting myself out of his arms as I started running further into the zoo.
Luke was running right behind me, but I actually tried to keep him as far away as possible this time.
I unlocked his phone and quickly looked for one of the names I recognized.
Michael was the first one I saw so I called him while surprisingly, still running away from Luke.
'Hello?' Michael quietly said through the phone.
'Hey, I have a question but Luke doesn't want to answer me'
Michael grinned 'ask away'
'What's your band called again?' I asked, stopping myself from running and trying to catch my breath.
'ehm...5 seconds of su-'
Luke quickly grabbed his phone out of my hands.
'I know it! I remember now!' I laughed, allowing Luke to hang up his phone, put it back in his pocket and pulling me into his chest.
'Do you?' he asked, slightly out of breath as well.
'Yes, you said it that night when we had that bath in our hotel room and we ate pizza in the bathroom because I didn't want to get out of the bath. It was 5 seconds of summer, right?'
Luke bit his lip and looked at me with a smile still on his face.
'It is' he said.
I excitedly clapped my hands 'Now I can go stalk you on the internet'
Luke laughed. 'I'm not sure if you really want to look us up'
'Why not?'
'Because there's a nude of Calum somewhere and I don't think you want to see it'
I laughed 'Is there really?'
Luke nodded looking up a second before focussing back on me.
That's another thing I always loved about him, whenever we're talking, he's completely concentrating on what I have to say.
'But what if I do want to see it?' I asked.
Luke pouted resting his forehead against mine.
'Then I'm going to beg you not to look us up because I don't want you to see it'
I smiled, unconsciously biting my lip.
'Alright, I won't look it up then.' I said.
Luke nodded, quickly pressing a kiss against my lips.
'Thank you'
'But you'll have to let me hear something then'
'I will, I promise'
I nodded, kissing his lips before letting go completely.
'How about we go find some lions?'

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