Chapter 84

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'Wakey wakey' Luke softly said.

I groaned, turning around.

'Come on babe. I have an idea. I think we should go on a picnic' Luke said, letting himself fall down on my stomach.

'Can't we do that a little later?' I mumbled.

'Nope, it's 11AM already and I'm hungry.'

I opened one eye and looked at him.


Luke nodded, getting up from the bed.

I sat up straight and looked around the hotel room.

'Why did you let me sleep so long?' I asked, looking at Luke.

Luke smiled.

'Because you look absolutely adorable when you're sleeping'

I grinned and shook my head, getting up and going to the bathroom to change.

'How did you sleep?' I asked when I got out of the bathroom.

Luke looked me up and down, a smile on his face.

'The only reason I couldn't sleep before was because I didn't tell you that thing about your parents. But now that you know about that, there's nothing left for me to lose sleep over' he said, kissing my cheek.

I nodded. He did look a lot better. The dark circles that had started to form were now slowly disappearing.

'You ready?' he asked.

'Almost' I said, tying my hair up in a ponytail and looking in the mirror to make sure it didn't look to weird.

I didn't really feel like putting make-up on.

We were only going for a picnic. Luke might be famous but I was pretty sure he'd find a place were we would be alone for the most part.

'Now I'm ready' I said, walking out of the bathroom again.

Luke was already standing by the door, our bag in his hand.

'I already went out to get food' he explained.

I nodded and followed him outside.

We didn't take the car this time, instead we followed the road for a little bit and went into the forest afterwards.

'I'm taking it you found the perfect spot to go for a picnic?' I said as I followed Luke.

He seemed to know where he was going.

He nodded, taking my hand in his.

We walked slowly, focusing on the sounds and views around us.

I'll never be able to fully describe how beautiful it was because there are simply not the right words to do it.

We walked through the forest for a little while, watching the birds flying around, happily singing different songs.

We went deeper into the forest until we suddenly reached a field.

The field was filled with flowers in different shades of purple.

'This is beautiful' I mumbled, letting Luke drag me through the flowers.

Luke smiled.

'That's great because there's this random spot somewhere in between and we're sitting there'

I smiled and followed Luke until we reached the place he meant.

It was a random piece of grass right in the middle of all the flowers.

'How do you find these places?' I asked, letting go of Luke's hand and going to one of the flowers, not giving Luke any time to answer.

I had this sudden urge to touch them, but was distracted by something else.

'How is this even possible? It just...stops over there' I said, looking in front of me to where the flowers stopped.

I turned around to face Luke.

He was sitting down on the grass, looking at me with a smile.

I smiled at him and sat down beside him.

'How do you keep finding these places?' I asked again, taking the bag and pulling out the food Luke had bought.

'Google' Luke grinned.

I smiled 'Of course, what else'

Luke helped me take out the food and the next few minutes were spent by us just sitting and eating our food.

We always went quiet when we ate.

As if we would enjoy our food better if we didn't talk.

I looked over the flowers, to the mountains resting behind it.

'I love this.' I said, kissing Luke's cheek.

'This was a very good idea'

Luke smiled, pulling me in a hug.

'I'm glad to hear that'

For the last couple of days we had both been a little sad and nervous.

Luke was leaving tomorrow and I still didn't know what I wanted to do.

It had affected our last few days here a little bit but we tried not to let it.

At moments like these, neither of us thought about that.

It was just the 2 of us, sitting in the middle of a flower field that looked gorgeous, especially with the mountains behind it.

It was one of those things you just can't pass without taking a picture.

'Luke,' I said, putting my sandwich down on the little bag it was in.

'We need to take some selfies' I said, pulling out my phone.

Luke laughed and nodded.

I started the camera and the rest of our picnic was spent taking pictures.

Pictures of the flowers, and the mountains behind it.

But mostly from us, because we both suddenly realized that these might be the last pictures we take together in a very long time.



48,9k reads! Can we make that 50k??? That would be so exciting :D

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