Chapter 13

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‘Shit’ Luke mumbled.
I opened my eyes and looked around. We were still on the road but Luke turned the car to the side and stopped.
‘what’s wrong?’ I asked.
Luke ignored my question and got out of the car.
I followed him and stood next to him, following his gaze to the tires.
‘We have a flat tire’ he sighed, looking around as if that was going to magically fix his car.
‘I’ll call the AA’ Luke said, already grabbing his phone out of his pocket.
‘the what?’ I asked.
Luke smiled ‘just someone to come fix the car’ he answered.
I nodded and walked back to the side of the car, sitting down with my legs dangling out of it.


Luke made his call and within 20 minutes there was a truck parked right behind us.
Luke, who had taken place on the ground in front of me, stood up and walked to the man getting out of the truck.
I followed right behind him.
The guy who got out of the truck looked just a little bit older than us.
He had short, black hair that was standing up in a quiff, and he had incredible green eyes.
The guy shook hands with Luke and introduced himself as David.
He then turned to me to shake my hand as well and I took it, copying exactly what Luke just did.
David’s eyes scanned my whole body before looking at my face and smiling.
‘So what’s the problem?’  he asked, turning back to Luke.
‘Flat tire’ Luke answered, pointing at the tire that was flat.
David nodded and went to fix it.
For a few minutes there was an awkward silence. I looked at David, who was very concentrated on fixing the tire, and Luke was just walking up and down the street for a bit, waiting until he was done.
‘What was your name again?’ David asked when he caught me looking at him.
‘My name’s Ivy’ I answered.
‘Oh, that’s a lovely name’ He replied, looking at me.
‘So do you live nearby?’ he continued as he went on with fixing the tire.
‘No, I’m from Auckland, we’ve been driving for a while’
‘Really? he asked surprised. ‘What are you doing so far away from home?’
David stood up straight and looked at me again, wiping his dirty hands on his clothes.
‘Are you, running away or something because your parents won’t accept your boyfriend?’
‘My boyfriend?’ I asked ‘Luke’s not my boyfriend’ I looked over at Luke who had stop walking now and was looking at his phone, not paying any attention to us.
‘Really? what is he, blind or something?’ David replied surprised, letting his eyes travel down my body again.
‘Or is he gay?’
‘Is it fixed?’ Luke asked, he stood beside me, a little closer than he usually would and I couldn’t help but notice the way he asked his question. It was like he just really wanted David to leave.
‘Yes, you should be good to go’ David answered, smiling at me as if Luke wasn’t standing right beside me.
I looked over at Luke who was practically staring David away, but David pretended as if he didn’t notice it.
David put his hand out for me to shake it and I took it, thanking him for fixing the car.
‘No problem’ He replied, winking at me before turning to Luke and shaking his hand too.
Luke didn’t say anything and watched David walk back to his truck.
‘Alright, let’s go’ he said.
I walked back to the other side of the car and got back in it.
Luke got in as well and turned the car back on the road.
‘What was that all about?’ I asked.
‘What was what about?’ he answered innocently.
‘That glare you gave him, he fixed your car. You should’ve thanked him, not look at him as if he was about to murder someone.’
‘I didn’t do that’ Luke denied.
‘Yes you did’
‘No I didn’t. He was flirting with you. He deserved it’
‘He was not flirting with me’
‘Yes he was, he practically asked you if I was your boyfriend’ Luke sounded slightly annoyed.
‘No he didn’t, he asked me why we were all the way out here’
‘He was definitely flirting with you’
I sighed and looked out of the window.
‘Why would he be flirting with me?’ I asked.
‘well, why wouldn’t he?’
‘That’s not an answer’ I smiled at him.
‘Yes it is’
‘No it’s not, I still don’t know why he would be flirting with me so it’s not an answer’
‘Who wouldn’t want to flirt with you?’
‘Luke that’s not an answer either’ I could no longer hide my smile. I had no idea why he was making such a big deal out of this but it was kind of cute.
‘Okay, he would be flirting with you because…’ Luke stopped and I saw his cheeks slowly turning a light pink colour.
‘Well, because your hot that’s why’
I felt my own cheeks flush at his words and I didn’t know what to say.
‘anyway’ I changed the subject. ‘How do you do this road trip thing? You’re just going to stop at a random place?’
Luke smiled and looked at me, my face was probably bright red by now but I decided to ignore it.
‘Yes,’ he answered, looking back at the road. ‘I just look at the names on those boards hanging above the road and if I find something that sounds nice, then that’s where I’ll go’

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