Chapter 81

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'I'm surprised I even fit it' I said, walking out of the bathroom and showing Luke the dress.

It was my moms' dress and for some reason I felt the need to wear it today.

Luke looked me up and down, a smile on his face.

'I'm surprised you're not complaining that I hurt you too much' Luke said, taking my hand in his and turning me around in a circle.

Looking me up and down as he did so.

'It doesn't hurt that bad' I mumbled, feeling my cheeks heat up.

That was a lie. In fact, I'm surprised I could sit in the car for 3 hours when we had to leave the hotel to get to the next place, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

'Right' Luke grinned 'Is that why you sat down in the car so carefully, because usually you dump yourself in that seat without a second thought but you seemed to be going really slow today'

I smiled, looking down at me feet.

Luke laughed and pulled me in a hug, pressing a kiss on the top of my head.

'If you want me to complain you could've just asked me' I said, the smile on my face hadn't been gone for longer than 5 seconds this entire day.

'Please complain to me' Luke said without hesitation.

I grinned and let go of him.

'No, but I can tell you one thing' Luke looked at me questionably.

'I've been holding up my pee for 5 hours straight now because peeing hurts and I don't want to do it' I said.

Luke looked at me, trying to bite his smile.

He pulled me back in a hug and sighed.

'You'll be fine, now go pee otherwise the entire festival will be over by the time we arrive. And you look beautiful by the way'

I smiled, quickly making my way to the bathroom to pee.

When I was done, I left the bathroom and we went outside.

Every year, for 9 days in a row, there's this festival in Queenstown.

It's called the autumn festival and apparently there were a lot of things to do and see.

We decided to take a walk through the market.

There was live music playing and a lot of people happily walking around trying to sell their stuff.

The leaves of the trees that were slowly starting to turn yellow and red only added to that, making it a very colourful and exciting place to be.

We walked slowly, making sure we saw everything that covered the different stalls.

'I love this' I said.

I didn't mean to say it out loud, but it kind of slipped.

Luke looked at me and smiled.

'It's nice isn't it?' he said, swinging his arm over my shoulder to pull me closer.

I nodded and looked around me, trying to take in everything I saw.

'Aw, look at those mugs' I said, pointing to 2 mugs on one of the stalls.

They had little penguins on them that really didn't do anything, but they we're absolutely adorable.

Luke looked from the mugs to me and then back at the mugs.

'Should we get them?' he said 'I think we should'

I nodded 'I think so too'

I was going to suggest I pay for them, since I still had all that money my parents left for me, but by the time I figured out the right way to say it Luke had already bought them.

'I wanted to buy them' I pouted, taking the bag from Luke's hands and intertwining my fingers with his.

'Too late, but you can drink from them' Luke said, taking the bag from me.

I smiled and nodded.

I was slowly starting to accept the fact that Luke paid for pretty much everything.

That doesn't mean I always agreed with it, I just found a way to deal with it.

We walked around the market some more, occasionally starting a small conversation about something we thought looked funny or something that looked really nice and then we would quiet down again.

It was nice, to be able to walk around like this.

To be able to see all of those people and what they all created.

To be able to see how everyone communicated with each other, like they were neighbours. Some even like they were friends.

Everyone was in a happy mood, and just the idea of that made me smile. 

it's Wednesday again! I always get so excited when I can update this story again it's getting kinda weird hahaa :)

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