Chapter 44

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‘You are so lucky my period suddenly decided to stay away for a little longer’ I said as we got out of the car.
For some reason, I woke up with sore muscles and Luke somehow convinced me to go to a spa.
Why and how? I don’t know, but he did it and now I started to feel a little nervous.
I didn’t like people touching me so I had no idea what I was going to think of this.
‘Come on,’ Luke smiled, grabbing our bag with clothes in it.
He locked the car and took my hand in his as we made our way to the entrance.
Luke paid for the both of us, again, and after me telling him I’d pay him back since it wasn’t very cheap and him telling me to stop wanting to pay him back, we both went in different dressing rooms to change.
I put on my bikini, praying that I wasn’t suddenly going to get my period now because I’d have to go all the way back here with blood running down my legs to get a tampon.
And clean clothes of course.
When we were both done we dropped our bag in a locker and walked further inside the building.
‘Okay, now what?’ I asked.
We looked around, or well Luke looked around.
All I could focus on was Luke.
I had seen him shirtless a couple times before, I just never actually looked at him.
He wasn’t very muscular, but definitely not fat either. He was just right.
I actually liked that he wasn’t very muscular, right now he was a very comfortable pillow, sleeping on a guy with a sixpack just didn’t sound very comfortable to me.
He also wasn’t very tanned, but neither was I, it seemed to actually fit him.
It didn’t look like he avoided the sun for 6 years, he just looked normal and I loved it.
‘Staring is rude’ Luke said, pulling me out of my thoughts.
I looked up, my cheeks slowly starting to burn from embarrassment.
‘I wasn’t staring, I was just…looking’
Luke grinned and took my hand.
‘We have to go this way’ he said.
We continued walking until we reached the 3 baths.
All 3 of them were outside and the fact that it was raining a little bit actually made it all look very magical.
‘what even is in these baths?’ I asked as we walked up to the only one without any people in it.
‘Mud’ Luke said, laughing at me when he saw my expression.
‘Why would you put mud in a bath and then sit down in it?’ I laughed with him.
Luke shrugged. ‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘Just go with it, we can always get out if you don’t like it’
I smiled as we stopped in front of the bath and Luke grabbed my hand a little tighter as I slowly stepped in the mud.
‘This feels so weird’ I mumbled as I put my other foot in as well.
Luke didn’t answer, he just kept holding onto my hand.
When he didn’t move and didn’t want to let go of my hand, I looked up at him to find him already looking at me.
Well, it wasn’t really looking, it was more staring.
‘Staring is rude’ I said, mimicking his words from just a few minutes ago.
Luke looked at my face and grinned.
‘Right, but you did it too so we’re even now’
He loosened his grip on my hand and got in the bath as well.
We both sat down and I looked at the mud we were covered in.
It was a little heavy and it was warm, but at the same time I could understand how relaxing this could be.
A woman showed up beside me and put down a little bucket of water and a basket of washcloths.
‘It feels like I’m floating’ I mumbled.
Luke laughed and let himself sink deeper into the mud.
‘You are floating. Well, I know I am. I can put my hand under my ass a little bit so I’m definitely floating.
I grinned and tried to do the same thing.
Luke was right, we were floating a little bit.
‘That’s so creepy’ I said, more to myself than to him and surprisingly, he took that hint.
Either that or he was ignoring me.
We laid there in silence for about 10 minutes.
I can’t even remember the last time we were silent for this long.
I started to get really hot from the mud and sat up straight.
I took one of the washcloths out of the baskets and drenched it in the bucket with ice cold water.
The woman who put it there said it was to cool you down, and only just sticking my hand in the bucket felt very good.
I put the cloth in my neck, leaving it there for a little bit before drenching it in the bucket again and looking at Luke.
He was still lying in the mud with only his head sticking out.
He looked like he was sleeping.
A smile spread across my face and I slowly moved a little closer to him.
I put the washcloth above his head and squeezed in it so that the water slowly dripped off of it.
Luke’s eyes opened immediately and he sat up straight.
I giggled and watched him turn around to look at me.
I threw the washcloth to him and it landed exactly on his face.
Luke growled at me as he grabbed the cloth and put it in the ice bucket.
He smiled an evil smile as he stood up walked over to me and then sat down again so he was now right on front of me.
I tried to get up and get away from him and just when I was about to push myself away from him he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back.
I squealed and tried to get away but Luke just pulled me against his chest so I couldn’t go anywhere.
I heard how he dropped the washcloth beside him on the floor and seconds later he had his other arm wrapped around me too.
I stopped moving for a second to catch my breath, and I was surprised Luke didn’t completely soak me yet, but that was probably because the washcloth was on the floor and he couldn't grab it without letting go of me.
I tried to get up and get away from him again, it just didn’t make a lot of difference.
I struggled to try and get out of his arms and as soon as I was about to break loose he laughed and I felt him shifting behind me before he also wrapped his legs around mine.
If we wouldn’t be in a mud bath right now he would look like a baby monkey holding on to his mother for dear life, only on my back instead of my belly.
I laughed and let my head fall back against his chest.
He wrapped his arm back around my waist and as I lifted my head up again I suddenly felt a stream of ice cold water running down my back.

This chapter was almost twice as long as my other chapters usually are.
oh well, i hope you enjoyed it (:

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