Chapter 7

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‘I came here for the safe’ I softly mumbled in Luke’s chest when I had calmed down again.
‘Why do you need a safe?’ Luke asked.
‘Well,’ I sat up straight and wiped away the tears that were left on my cheeks ‘My parents have had this safe for as long as I can remember. They kept all of their money in it and only took something out when they went to buy something’
Luke looked at me. I couldn’t really describe his expression, it was something like…disbelief?
‘Ivy,’ Luke started. ‘Did you really, get up here because you didn’t want me to pay for those pizza’s? Because if that’s true I’m afraid you’re already too late. The delivery guy showed up 20 minutes ago  and I paid him.’
‘Yeah, I thought so’ I answered, giving Luke a small smile.
Luke smiled back at me. ‘Shall we go eat them then?’ he asked.
I looked around the room and nodded slowly.
Staying here wasn’t going to do me any good.
I stood up, dropped the sweater and dress on my parents bed, grabbed the safe and slowly walked out.
Luke followed right behind me, making sure he closed the door.
We walked downstairs and sat down on the couch.
I put the safe on the table beside the pizza boxes and we both stared at it for a minute.
‘Do you know how to open it?’ Luke finally broke the silence.
I nodded but didn’t move.
‘Do you want to open it?’
I thought about it for a minute and then slowly shook my head ‘Not yet’
Luke nodded and stood up.
‘Then I’m going to put it on the kitchen table and you’re going to try not to think about it too much. For the rest of the night.’ Luke said as he walked to the kitchen with the safe in his hands.
He came back a few seconds later with 2 plates and sat back down on the couch.
‘Let’s eat these pizza’s before they get even colder’ Luke smiled while handing me my plate.
We opened our pizza boxes and ate our pizza, which was still surprisingly warm.
we talked about the day we had and for a little while, he managed to make me forget about the safe and my parents and everything that had to do with them.


It was now 10:30 PM and we were watching TV.
Well, Luke was watching TV, apparently, the series on TV were not enough to distract me because the second we stopped talking my thoughts were back with the safe.
I wanted to open it now that I had completely calmed down, but I couldn’t get myself to get up from the couch.
If I’d do that I would distract Luke from watching TV and I was actually kind of glad I had some time to think.
The last couple of days made me realise I had absolutely no idea how to take care of myself.
I knew how to wash my clothes and I knew how to bake an egg but other than that I practically knew nothing.
‘you okay?’ I looked up at Luke and nodded slowly.
‘I think I want to open the safe’
Luke grinned ‘so far for the not thinking about the safe anymore’
‘I know, I’m sorry’ I mumbled.
I stood up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing the safe that was standing on the kitchen table.
I walked back to the couch and sat down again. Putting the safe on the table right in front me.
‘Do you need some privacy?’ Luke asked.
I shook my head and looked at him.
‘No, I’d rather not be alone to be honest’ I answered.
Luke nodded understandably and sat up straight, preparing himself for me to break down again.
I sighed and focused on the safe. I entered the code, which was my birthday, and with a little click, the safe opened.
I opened it further and looked in it. The whole thing was stuffed full with money.
I looked at Luke, who was already looking at me, and looked back to all the money.
I took out some of the bills, just to see how many rows were stacked behind the first one, but I was distracted by a letter that dropped out of it.
I pushed the money in Luke’s hands and grabbed the letter.
I opened it without wasting another second and started reading:

Dear Ivy,

If you’re reading this, it can only mean 2 things.
You either broke into our room just because you were curious, or we recently passed away and you needed the money.
Your mom and I saved all of this up for you.
Ever since you were born we put the money we had left in this safe. Just in case something happened to us and you were on your own.
With this letter, we’re asking you to take all the money, grab your bags and leave.
We know we’ve always told you to stay inside, but you won’t survive without going outside sometimes.
So take it, take all of it, go outside, use the money for anything you want, but remember you’re going to have to live off of this money for a while.

We know letting go is hard, but with this letter we also need you to let us go.
We need you to memorize it, and then we need you to burn the letter.
Burn the letter, and with that, burn all of the sadness you feel right now.

It’s time for you to live your own life and whatever choices you’ll make, just know that your mom and I are very proud of you.

We love you,

 Mom and dad

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