Chapter 41

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‘You don’t really curse a lot do you? I don’t think I’ve heard you curse at all’ Luke laughed.
We were back in the car and I was playing a game on my phone.
Luke put it on it because he wanted to see me get frustrated over it and he, apparently, wanted me to curse and scream and cry because of it.
‘Cursing is bad’ I mumbled, starting up a new game.
‘It’s only bad around older people and children. You can curse all you want in this car’
‘But I don’t like cursing. I said “shit” once and I felt so bad I locked myself up in my room for 3 hours and forced myself to just sit on my bed and do nothing’
Luke laughed and I could feel him looking at me as I continued my game.
To be honest I wasn’t really thinking of what I was saying anymore.
This game distracted me.
‘Did you really?’ he asked.
I nodded and groaned as the little screen told me I was “game over” again.
‘Just say it. You don’t have to feel bad over that. Just say shit or fuck or whatever you can think of’
‘This is a stupid game, I’m never going to win’ I said, hoping Luke would stop with the cursing thing.
‘Aw, but you’re not going to change the subject. I want to hear you curse’
He smiled at me before focusing back on the road.
‘Luke, I don’t want to do that’ I pouted, even though he couldn’t see it.
‘just once, please. Just say shit. Shit is probably the most innocent thing you can say.’
‘Okay, but what do I get for it?’ I put my phone away and focused on Luke.
‘You get to…have the bed for yourself tonight?’ he said.
‘I don’t really want the bed for myself’
‘What do you want then?’
‘I don’t know, I’m a girl, when do girls ever know what they want?’
Luke laughed and nodded.
‘I don’t think you ever know what you want’
‘Not really no, although I do know that I’m craving chocolate at this very moment and that I also need to pee’
Which is not a very good sign, I suddenly thought.
I never actually thought this whole road trip thing through when we left.
I always randomly start craving chocolate and banana’s right before I got my period.
‘Okay, I have an idea. You just say shit really quick and we can pull over at the next gas station and I’ll get you however many chocolate bars you want. And you can also go pee’
‘That’s a bad idea’
Luke grinned and looked at me.
‘Well I’m driving so you have nothing to say’
I looked at him. The smile on his face told me he wasn’t really serious but I couldn’t take any chances. Now that I had a chance to go and get some chocolate I couldn’t take any risks.
He could easily drive passed the first one and stop at the next but I don’t know how far away that next one is.  And I don’t want to wait any longer than I have to.
‘Fine I’ll say it,’ I mumbled.
Luke waited expectantly until I was actually going to say it.
‘Sht’ I softly said, hoping he would believe I said the complete word.
‘I didn’t hear you’ Luke grinned.
He was definitely enjoying this a little too much.
Although I could see we were already close to the gas station.
‘I said it though, it’s not my fault that you didn’t hear it’ 
‘You didn’t say it.’
‘Yes I did’
‘No you didn’t. You said sht.’
‘No I didn’t. you said yourself you didn’t hear me so don’t tell me what I said’
The car slowed down until we stopped moving completely.
‘Okay, I’ll make you say it again once we’re done here’
I watched him get out of the car and sighed before slowly opening the door and getting out too.
At least I’ll have some chocolate then.

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