After those words left your lips, things happened so quickly.
Dr. Erskine quickly took you to his base and introduced you to his team.
You first met Peggy, a really sweet girl. But barely got to know her as she was expected to train the other recruit. She did however let you know that she was happy to see a female enter the team. When you asked why she wasn't the one to be selected for this project, she stated she had other responsibilities but that she was proud you stepped in the role.
Eventually you met Howard Stark. You had to admit at first you behaved like a school girl fan. But eventually you got to know him, and you two became good friends. He and Dr. Erskine headed up the project, between science and technology they both had it covered. You would be in good hands.
Today Erskine was introducing you to the serum, your experiment would take place today.
As Dr. Erskine brought you into the lab, you saw two serums. One yellow, one blue. You knew one of these would be for you.
"So which one is mine? Are they the same thing?" You asked the doctor, touching the vials carefully.
Grabbing them from your hand and placing them in their original location again, the doctor replied "you will be taking the yellow serum. The blue is for our other candidate."
This other candidate they kept talking about, you had yet to meet. Supposedly he had to go through intense training before his procedure would take place. Unlike you, who just had a general physical.
"They are similar the two formulas. But each a little different in their own regards. We are trying to perfect the serum. You may not have the same reaction as our other candidate." He said cleaning his glasses on his coat as he often did when he was thinking.
You look at Erskine, finally letting the realization that this is happening today hit you. "Is it going to hurt?"
Dr. Erskine looks at you for a second before responding, "Pain is a construct of the mind Miss. (Y/N). I believe you have the will power to push through anything."
You give a smirk "that really doesn't answer my question doctor."
With that Howard walks into the room, "Don't worry darling we won't let anything happen to you."
You shake your head at them both. You walk over to an assistant and start prepping for the procedure.
"You ready?" the small assistant, whose name has escaped you right now says as she prepares you for your procedure.
"As ready as I'll ever be." You say back. From the corner of your eye you see a couple of people enter the room. You spot Peggy and immediately go over to say hello.
"Good to see you again (Y/N), please let me introduce you to Colonel Phillips. He has been supervising this whole project. He has been very preoccupied with the other candidate. But he didn't want to miss this." Peggy says motioning towards the very serious man in uniform next to her.
"Colonel." You say shaking his hand firmly.
"Miss. (Y/L/N), a pleasure. I will admit I am not too fond of the use of a woman as a candidate. I need soldiers. Men. But Erskine insisted on you. He actually insisted on both candidates. None of you were my choice. But this doctor seems to have more control of this project than I do." He said while shaking your hand. You could see that he honestly had no faith in you.
"Thank you for your vote of confidence Sir" you said, a bit sarcastically. You sent a wink in Peggy's direction and went back to the small assistant to finish preparing for your procedure.
Finally Howard steps up to you to finish setting you up. "You got this (Y/N), I know you do. Make us proud ok?" He said as he led you to a table to lay down.
You nod at him and give him a small reassuring smile. With a small squeeze to your arm, he returns to his spot behind his computers.
"Ladies and gentleman, this is the first of our two procedures. We are introducing our yellow serum to Miss. (Y/L/N) and then bombarding her body with vita rays to produce our hoped outcome. Mr. Stark please procced." Dr. Erskine said and then eloquently nodded to Howard.
Howard proceeded to press a button which caused your table to hold you upright. Needles protruded from the sides of the bed, quickly embedding itself all over your body. "Shit" you exclaim in surprise more than anything else and then feel as the liquid serum enters your body, all at once.
With another press of a button, you suddenly get encapsulated in a box of sorts. You hear Howard outside scream "Vita ray infusion in 3... 2... 1..."
All of a sudden a bright light emits all around you. You feel as if your blood is starting to boil. As if you're being ripped from the inside out. You want to scream, you want to let out a blood curling howl, but you feel as if you're choked up. You can't speak.
You hear Howard scream again from the outside "50%... 70..."
You can't take it anymore. Everything is bright and white. You can't distinguish if you're still in the box or not. You can't see.
You feel yourself at the brink of letting go. But just as you feel you can't go anymore, as if you can't hold on anymore you see Bucky. You see him as if he was right there in front of you. You got this doll. You're the strongest person I know.
With that you close your eyes and allow yourself to push through the pain, push through the excruciating blinding light.
You finally hear Howard scream "100%!!!! Turn it off!!!"
Finally the brightness begins to fade. Yet it doesn't go away completely. It lingers as you try to steady your breath. You close your eyes trying to recover yourself.
Howard's POV
As soon as (Y/N) let out a "Shit" in surprise to the needles, you felt a pang of fear. You'd become close to her. A pretty good friend in her short time here. You didn't want her to suffer.
But you knew she was strong, that if any woman could go through this, it would be her. As you pressed the next button you saw her enter the vita ray capsule, you let a small prayer pass through your head. With nothing else but hopes and prayer, you finally say "Vita ray infusion in 3... 2... 1..."
As soon as it started you could swear you heard gasp from the chamber. But maybe you imagined it. The vita rays were so bright, you couldn't see (Y/N) at all.
You looked to your computers, "50%... 70..." all the while worried that (Y/N) had not even made a sound. Was she still alive? Did she pass out? You shake those thoughts from your head as you look back to your computers. You're praying it gets to 100 quick, you're worried. This needs to end already.
As soon as you see the dial hit 100 you scream "100%!!!! Turn it off!!!"
Slowly the bright light emitting from the capsule dims. Yet you see some light still emanating from the capsule. Not caring if vita rays still had yet to diminish you press the button that opens the capsule. You had to make sure she was still alive. You start making a run for the opening capsule.
But when the capsule finally opens you and all those approaching the capsule take a step back.
(Y/N) was laying there. Breathing starting to normalize. But a yellow glow surrounded her completely, like a halo of light. Suddenly (Y/N) opens her eyes and they flash a bright yellow, before returning to her normal color.
You barely find your voice and let out a whisper "(Y/N)..."

Find Me / Save Me (Bucky x Reader)
Roman d'amourFriends since childhood, separated by tragedy. Can you seem to find each other again? Can you save each other? A Bucky x Reader story. Romance / Angst / Action I do not own any Marvel Characters or Stories.