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Bucky's POV

The day was too pretty, it should be overcast, and it should be gloomy and sad. Yet the world laughed at him, giving him a bright sunny day, the sun warm and bright shining down all throughout the grassy expanse of the property. As I looked out the window, I could see the crowd gathered outside, waiting patiently for the moment they'd all gathered for. A little further beyond them I could see the hole dug out in the grassy field, hauntingly waiting for its keep. I tugged at the tie around my neck; it felt like it was choking me.

"Buck. Nat's got Sarah all ready..." Steve's voice snaps me back, and way from the breathlessness that was about to take me over.

I pulled myself away from the window and turned to see Steve by the door, black suit clad and tired eyes. "Thanks punk. I mean it." I walked up to him and put my arm on his shoulder. "I don't know what I would do without you guys, all of you..."

I'm immediately pulled into a fierce hug and I can hear the emotion thick on Steve's voice when he speaks again. "We're your family jerk. We've all got your back." He pulls back and looks me dead in the eye. "Always Buck. Till the end of the line."

I pulled him back in and tried to keep my composure. I couldn't break down again. Not here, not now. I needed to be strong for Sarah, and finally put my doll to rest. Pulling back I give Steve a small smile, it's sincere, but it doesn't reach my eyes. Patting his shoulder I pull away and pass him, crossing the threshold to go to Sarah's room.

Stopping at the door frame I watch as Natasha is putting the finishing touches on a French braid in Sarah's hair. I can see the red rimming Natasha's eyes, which she discretely tried to cover up with makeup. Sarah just stands in front of her a faraway look in her eyes.

"Hey princess..." Sarah turns her face towards me and her face just breaks my heart. I can see the sadness radiating out of her.

When we recovered (Y/N)'s body yesterday and brought it to our home, I knew I had to talk to my little girl. When I walked into Tony's cabin and saw her happily playing with Morgan I almost kept quiet, a part of me longing to keep her safe from the hurt. But eventually I pulled her aside. Told her mommy's going to be put to rest back home. I saw the happy little girl change, a part of her growing up fairly quickly and somber up instantly. There was no coming back from that, and it killed me to know that.

"You look so pretty princess. Auntie Nat did a good job with your braid." She gave me a smile, and for a second I saw the young carefree little girl. But it quickly vanished before my eyes as she turned and gave Natasha a strong and silent hug.

"It's okay куколка... it's okay." I heard Natasha whisper into her ear. As Sarah pulled away from the hug, Natasha plucked the stray tear that fell down her face.

"It's time..." Steve's somber voice called out from behind me and I outstretched my hand towards my little girl. She put her little hand in mine and followed me down the stairs. At the bottom I could see Tony, Sam, Clint, Thor, Bruce and Pietro waiting next to the casket in which my wife's body lay, as if guarding her just one last time. Wanda and Pepper, with little Morgan, stood off to one side. Once we reached the bottom I bent down and held Sarah in my arms tight, kissing the crown of her head softly.

"Go with your Auntie's princess. Daddy needs to go with your Uncles." She nodded softly and grabbed Natasha's hand as they joined Wanda, Pepper and Morgan.

I looked into the eyes of each man standing by her casket, in barely a whisper I spoke to them. "Thank you for standing with me, by my side. Thank you for being there for Sarah and I. But most of all... thank you for being our family. For being her family."

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