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Once I land at the tower, I grab Peter's hand and drag him towards the lab, knowing Tony would be there. "Tony!" I scream over the loud music, getting his attention.

His eyes practically jump out of his head when he turns around and realizes who I am dragging behind me. "Is that?"

"O – My – God! Oh my god! Oh my god! T-Tony Stark!" I hear Peter sputtering out behind me, his excitement ten times greater than when he met me. I smirk at them both, knowing full well these two would probably get along very well.

"I seem to have caught a spider on the way in Tony. He was in a sticky situation." I slightly chuckle at my lame attempt of Tony's dry humor. "I'll leave you two to get acquainted, I need to make a phone call."

Stepping out of the lab for a second, I head to the nearest balcony. Plucking my phone out of my bag I make a quick call to my husband.

"Hey angel. How goes the meetings?" His smooth voice croons on the other side. I take a deep breath, settling the nerves in my stomach.

"They went well hun. Met a very important person tonight." It wasn't a complete lie. I struggled whether or not to come clean right there and then.

"That's nice. We're here arguing if the Hobbit is better than Star Wars." I hear him chuckle lightly.

"Sounds like some tough Avenging work..." I chide him. Suddenly I hear a ruffle and Sam's voice graces the line. "You need to agree with me! Cuz I know you're the cool icicle of the three!"

"Well of course I am Sam! How are ya?"

"Missing you! It's not the same over here without you! When are you getting your butt over here and kicking us all into shape?" His voice is extra sweet, I know he does it just to annoy Bucky.

"Soon. Can you put Buck back on please?" But before he has a chance to respond another voice comes through the line.

"Seriously, we need you here. Someone needs to keep these kids in line. You're a pro at it." Nat's smooth voice practically pleads over the line.

"Hey you. I miss you." I smile at the sound of her voice. It was the truth, Nat and Wanda had become my best friends. Being far from them was never much fun.

"Then remedy that and get your ass back to the compund." Nat lowers her voice and says, "I know you're not retired. I'm not an idiot (Y/N). You're up to something. But I don't appreciate you keeping us in the dark. Does Bucky know at least?" Dammit. Nat and her smart ass. Always figuring shit out.

I sigh before responding. "It's something I have to do on my own for now Nat. I promise I'll let him, and everyone know soon."

"You better." Then softly she adds, "Just stay safe, okay?"

"I promise." I hear arguing behind her and the phone rustling when Bucky's voice comes back on.

"God dammit. It's as if they can't ever call you on their own! Always attacking my calls."

I laugh at his annoyance, I can close my eyes and practically picture them, my family all having a good time together. I wished to be there at the compound, laughing and joking along with them. But then I felt the familiar tug of the Mind Stone and reminded myself I was doing something important.

"I love you Buck."

"Love you doll. Everything alright?"

"Just missing everyone, missing you. That's all." I sigh into the phone, knowing that was true.

"When will you be home? I miss you too."

"I should be back home tomorrow. I'll see you there?"

"See you then doll. Night."

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