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Where am I?

What's – What's going on?

I can see motion around me. But it's blurry. I can hear screaming and yelling. I feel myself being tossed from one side to the other. Nothing makes sense.

It's good to see you again (Y/N). 

I know that voice. I remember it. The Soul Stone.

The time has come.

I don't understand. "What? I thought I fulfilled my purpose."

You have a role you have yet to fulfill child.

Wait... that voice... The Mind Stone. "Please. I don't understand..."

I taught you everything you need to know child.

I can feel power surging all around me, the movements begin to slow. The picture around me becoming clearer. Thanos. Thanos is wearing the stones. "No..."

All in due time. Patience.

This voice I've never heard before. But I trust it. I trust them all. I can feel each stone, speak to me. Telling me to ready myself.

You are strong.

Space is yours to control.

Reality bends to your will.

Your mind is strong.

Your heart is stronger.

Now! It's time!

I see it and immediately I understand. Tony. Tony wields the stones. I need to help him. I have to. It is my purpose. It is my promise. No one I love will die today. Not on my watch. I open myself to the stones and let the power flow through me. This is what I was born to do.


Tony's POV

The pain is overwhelming, but I don't let him see my fear. As soon as I snap my fingers, the pain evaporates. A warm white light envelops me and I wonder if I will get to see heaven.


It sounds like Tink. Maybe I will see heaven.

"Tony... Tones... open your eyes, Tony."

I do as she asks. I'm walking on water, orange clouds bright in the sky. And then I see her, Tink standing there smiling. I chuckle. "So I deserve heaven then?"

"No. You deserve to live idiot."

I'm slightly taken aback by her choice of words. I go to speak but she stops me before I get a word in edgewise. "You really think I'm going to let Morgan grow up without a father?"

I snort. "That's rich coming from you. What were you thinking Tink? Obviously not about Sarah. Or Bucky. Steve, Nat or hell even me!" She walks closer to me, a soft smile on her lips, and places her hand on my cheek. I swear I can feel it. This is real.

"I'm exactly where I have to be. I'm not leaving any of you. I'm just keeping you all alive!" I can tell she's trying to lighten the mood and joke, but I let it fall flat.

"We need you Tink. And you left us."

She lets her smile drop just a little before speaking again. "I'll figure it out. I always do don't I?"

I want to tell her off. I want to hold her and tell her I'm sorry. But she drops her hand and backs away. "Time for you to go Tones. I'll see you around..."

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