Chapter 44

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*Two Days Later*
I stare at four in horror and he sighs.
"I knew you wouldn't want to." he states.

"No it's not that... I just thought that you'd want to stay loving here once we had the baby." I reply, in an unsure tone.

"I do. But it's more important for you and the baby to be safe. That's my number one priority. If it takes moving out of dauntless, I'll do it." he states softly.

"C-can I think about it? I don't want to be pulling you out of the thing you love. And I know you love helping people and living here, this is where you grew up." i stress.

"Think about it." he says and I nod.
"I will." I reply and lay my head against his chest.

"Okay, onto an easier topic... What to name our baby. I was thinking.... Andrew?" He says in a questioning tone.

Shock runs through my body. Four wants to name our child after my dad. His eyes meet mine and I see the hesitant look in his blue eyes.

"Four that would be amazing. Thank you for even suggesting that. But we don't know of its a girl or a boy yet." I remind and he smiles.

"If its a boy?" He asks and I bite my lower lip to keep from smiling.

"Are you sure? We don't have to." I whisper.

"I know how much you love and miss your dad. It'll be a reminder of him. To show you that he's always by your side... Im sure." he confirms.

"I'd love that." I whisper and peck his lips with a smile.

"I knew you would." he states with a small smirk. I peck his lips once again and he smiles. His hands move to the small baby bump on my abdomen and he lightly kisses my belly button.

"I can't wait for the baby to come." he states softly.

"Me either. I hope it has your eyes." I whisper and he shakes his head.

"I want it to look identical to you." he replies and i laugh.

"We should get up, training starts in a bit." he says and I nod as I sit up.

"People are going to start questioning us. You can tell I'm pregnant." I state and change into a tank top.

"No you can't. You weigh like a hundred pounds, you're just paranoid." He replies with a soft smile.

"You're suppose to say that, you're the one that did this to me." I say with a pointed look. He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"Im going to make breakfast for the three of us." he teases and leaves the room. I sit on the corner of the bed and quickly tie my combat boots up before going to the kitchen. He hands me a plate of scrambled eggs and I quickly make his coffee. We eat in a comfortable silence and my mind thumps with thoughts.

Do i want our child to grow up where Four grew up? Yes, but it might not be safe for them. And what child goes to school and says that they live in an underground world for FBI agents? None, thats who. In some ways they would be safe, with all the agents around. But we have a rat in here somewhere, someone that's putting cameras in our apartment. It's not safe for kids to be around knives and guns and-

"Are you okay?" four asks with furrowed eyebrows. I snap out of my trance and nod.

"Yea, i was just thinking." i whisper in reply.

"About what?" he asks and grabs my hand to comfort me.

"about what we're going to do. I don't think it's safe or normal for a baby to be here. When our kid grows up, do we really want them to be in this enviorment? But then on second thought, you grew up here. And you grew up pretty damn well. I'm just confused." i rant and he moves so he's sitting next to me. His arms wrap around me and i bury my face in his neck.

"We have about another five months to think this through. We have five months to figure out who put the cameras in our house. And we have five months to move out if we have to.... We can do this." he murmurs and i nod.

"I'm just scared." i whisper.

"Me too. I can relate to why you zoned out before. I've been doing that since you told me you were pregnant.... i have to many thoughts on this." he chuckles lightly. i smile and kiss his cheek.

"We should probably get to the gym. We're already late." i sigh.

"Yea, let's go." he agrees and helps me stand up. Our hands link together and he leads me out of our apartment. When we get to the gym the trainees are already throwing knives at targets. 

"Four, Tris. We need to talk." Eric says and i see the panicked look on his face. I frown at four and he shrugs as we follow Eric into the hallway.

"What's up?" Four asks cautiously.

"The cameras in your room were put there by me. But i can explain." he says and four pushes me behind his back. He takes a threatening step towards Eric and i quickly grab his arm.

"You better start explaining because you have two minutes before i break all two hundred and four bone sin your body." Four growls dangerously.

"Someone is after you. They blackmailed me and i  had to do what they said. If they didn't they were going to kill me." he rushes out.

"Who is 'They'?" I ask quickly.

"I don't know i was just getting threatening notes about things that no one knew. So i did what they told me to." he replies and Four glares at him.

"What do they want from us?" he asks.

"They don't want anything from you. They want to kill her, because they said she should have died with her parents." Eric says and within seconds four has Eric pressed against the wall. His hands clasp around Eric's throat and i quickly rush towards them.

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