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We get to the building and I take my seatbelt off. we all get strapped to a harness and lowered onto the roof of the building. Four keeps his arm around my waist and I peck his lips.

"Love you." I whisper as the last person gets off the copter.

"You know I love you too. But I'll say it again and again and again.... I love you." He whispers and i blush.

"Okay guys! Lets go." Zeke calls and I see the look in his eyes, revenge. I nod and we all jog to the roof door.

"Stay near me." four whispers.
"Four, we have to do this, and we might get split." I say and roll my eyes. I see the worried look in his eyes and quickly peck his lips.

"It's going to be fine." I whisper and someone pried the lock off the door. We rush inside the building and start taking the stairs two at a time. I take the gun off of my belt and Zeke whispers commands at us.

Then all hell breaks loose.
I wake up with a throbbing on the top of my head. I groan and slowly open my eyes. When they decide to focus on what's around me I sit up and put my hand to my head.

"Hey you're awake." four says and rushes to my side. He puts an ice pack to my forehead and I groan in pain.

"I'm sorry." he says and holds my hand.
"What happened?" I ask.

"We got Jeanine in custody. We almost had everything under control but someone from erudite hit you in the head with the bottom of his gun. You got knocked out." he says. I sigh and he pushes me so I'm laying back down. My dizziness goes away and he kisses my forehead.

"I'll go get you some medication. Stay laying down." he instructs and pecks my lips before disappearing out of the room.

I close my eyes and after a few minutes he enters the room again. He hands me a pill and glass of water and I immediately swallow it.

"Thanks." I say and he lays next to me. I snuggle against his chest and his arms wrap around me.

"Go back to sleep when you wake up you'll feel better and I can fill you in on everything else." he says softly. I nod and look up at him. For some reason I can't help saying those three words over and over again.

"I love you." I whisper then fall back into a empty sleep.
My eyes flutter open and I take the now warm ice pack off of my head. Four is sitting in the chair across from me with his head in his hands. When he hears that I'm awake he looks up at me.

"Up?" Four asks quietly and I nod.
"Cmon lets go get you food and I'll fill you in." he says and helps me sit up. I go to my closet and quickly change into sweatpants and a tank top.

After using a rag to clean my bloody forehead four ushers me to the cafeteria and we sit down. He hands me a plate of food and I willingly dig in.

"What happened after I got knocked out?" I ask curiously.

"I got you out of the way and had Chris stay with you. She got shot in the leg, but she was conscious and had a gun. I knew she'd take care of you. We got to jeanine after a lot..... a lot of people attacking us. At least a hundred people died. But we got her into custody and we are having a meeting in a few days to see what to do with her." he says as I nibble on a bagel.

"So everyone's safe? None of dauntless are dead?" I ask worriedly.

"All of dauntless are safe, a few injured, but not too badly." he confirms and I smile.

"Thank god." I say and hug him. I snuggle my face into his neck and sigh in his scent. His chuckles radiates through me and he rubs my back.

"What? You aren't going to ask about me?" Shauna asks from behind me. My eyes fly open and I stare at her in shock.

"Shauna." I whisper and pull away from four. He chuckles once again and I yank her into a hug. I'm almost a foot shorter than her so it's kind of hard, but I manage.

"Oh my god. You're okay." I squeal and she pulls away with a smile.

"She's my girlfriend." Zeke says and protectively wraps an arm around her. I laugh and four does the same to me.

"How?" I ask confused.

"I was injected with a medicine that was keeping me alive, but I couldn't move. I heard everything that happened around me. I just couldn't move or anything. Zeke found the medicine to reverse that." she explains and I smile at him.

"I'm happy for you guys." I say and examine her small stomach.

"He found out." she states when she catches me staring curiously.

"I'm not gonna be mad you didn't tell me." he says with a playful glare towards me. I giggle a look up at four.

"Can we go see Chris?" I ask and he lifts me into his arms.

"Yes, I have to thank her for keeping you safe. We'll see you guys later." he says to me and Zeke.
I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. Everything is falling back into place.

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