Chapter 47

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"Get up! Get up! Get up!" Someone rants in my ear. I groan in annoyance and cuddle closer to fours warmth. In my half asleep state I feel him wrap the blankets around us.

"Guys seriously!?" Someone screams in my ear. My eyes fly open and I throw my hand over my ears.

"Go the bloody hell away Chris!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"No! You have another week here! The group has agreed to have breakfast together for the time being. So get up before I drag you to the cafeteria in your pajamas!" She yells. Four sits up with a grunt.

"Go away, we'll be there in half an hour." he agrees tiredly. My eyes narrow and she happily hops out of the room.

"We're not going are we?" I ask.
"Hell no." he replies and lays back down. I smile and cuddle against his chest. His arms wrap around me and I hold his hand.

"I'm going to miss everyone." i admit.
"Me too." he agrees softly. My eyes shut and he begins drawing soothing patterns on my stomach.

"When this baby is out, its going to be spoiled." he chuckles softly.

"I just realized something." I whisper and look up at him.

"What?" He asks curiously.
"My mom and dad are dead. My brother is God knows where... Your dad is in a jail cell and your mom is dead. You have no siblings.... our child will have no aunts, grandparents or uncles around." I frown.

"He'll have us. And his godparents, whoever we choose... Plus Caleb should know that you're having a child. Would you like it if he was married and having a kid, and you didn't know about it?" He asks softly.

"I guess you're right, but I-i don't think I can face him so soon. Maybe when I'm closer to having this baby, I don't know." I reply.

"I'm not forcing you to tell him, I'm just saying it's probably what's right." he adds.

"Since when do you go with what's right?" I tease.

"Since this certain girl came into my life. She's beautiful, and loving and caring. Selfless... you'd love her." he says and brushes my cheekbone with his thumb. My heart clenches and I smile.

"I'm jealous. Who's this girl that has your attention?" I tease.

"Tris Eaton. She happens to be pregnant with my baby." he states and I laugh as I kiss him. He kisses back and there's a knock on the door.

"Get up already!" Chris screams through the door. I roll my eyes and sit up.

"We should get up." i state and he grunts as he sits up. I laugh and go to the closet. I change into a pair of leggings and as I put a tank top on I frown. The shirt is tight around my stomach area, it stretches out and you can clearly see the baby bump.

"Tobias!" I call and he rushes into the walk in closet.

"What's wrong?" He asks worriedly. I point to my stomach and pull the shirt off. A huge smile forms on his face and he leans down to kiss the bump.

"I'm going to need to go shopping for some clothes." I sigh and grab a sweater from the rack. I put it in and he rubs my stomach once more.

"I can't wait until you're waddling around with a huge belly." he states with a wide grin. I slap his chest and he chuckles.

"Arsehole." I mumble.
"Language, we don't want our son coming out with your foul language." He states.

"Oh so we're so sure it's a boy now?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

"I'm betting on it." he replies.
"You're wrong." I reply.
"Am I?" He asks and changes into a pair of basketball shorts and a black vneck tshirt.

"I think you are. I feel like it's a girl." I reply.
"We'll know in a month or two." he replies and I slip a pair of boots on. He grabs my hand and we begin walking to the cafeteria. All of our friends are already sitting at our table. We get in line to get food and I grab a piece of cake.

"It's breakfast, you should eat eggs or pancakes. People might start noticing your weird cravings." four teases.

"I like cake. It's my weakness, and I don't have weird cravings." I whisper back.

"Is that why I saw you eating ice cream late last night?" He teases and I slap his chest as we go to our table.

"I still haven't gotten over how cute you guys are." Shauna coos. I blush and sit down next to four.

"Are you going to tell then what were doing tonight?" Uriah asks Zeke.

"Oh yea! We're going to the club." Zeke nearly squeals.

"No." four immediately answers. Zeke pouts like a girl and I shake my head. Im not going to be around drunk people and sweaty people while I'm pregnant. And I can guess that's exactly what four is thinking.

"What why?" Zeke ask.
"We're married, and you have a kid. Do you think it's appropriate to be clubbing?" Four asks.

"Yes." he answers seriously.
"Zeke, no." Shauna laughs out.
"Party poopers." he mumbles.

"Anyways, were going to stay in tonight. Were having a friends going away party for you guys. My apartment at six." she states.
*Six Pm*
We get to Chris' apartment and four knocks on the door. I hear her yell for us to come in and we do as told. His hand stays clasped around me and I blush. So far Will and Marlene are the only ones here.

"Hey." Marlene says and hugs me. I hug back and four pulls me to his side when me and her pull apart.

"Have you guys started packing yet?" Chris asks and I shake my head.

"We will soon though." four sighs.
"I'll help." Chris offers.
"It's fine," i states.

"No really. I would love to help. If you need me you can come and get me." she argues.

"I'll take it into consideration." I reply and she nods.

"Shauna and Zeke will be here any minute, they just had to put the baby down to sleep." Will states and looks up from his phone.

"I honestly never thought Zeke would be the first to have a kid." Chris mumbles and I stifle a laugh. She goes to the TV and pops a DVD into the player.

"We are having movie night." she states excitedly.

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