Chapter 52

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When I unlock the front door arms wrap around me and pull me into a by before I can see the owner. A squeal gives it away, Chris.

"Chris?" I ask making sure it's her.
"Yes you idiot!" She exclaims and I hug her back. A laugh escapes my mouth and I pull her into the house as I close the door.

"I got a surprise for you guys!" She exclaims I raise my eyebrows and she smiles.

"I'll give it to you in a few minutes." she states and takes Aaron into her arms.

"Hey little guy." she coos. He giggles and four wraps his arms around my waist. He pulls my back against his chest then kiss my neck.

"I can't wait for the babies to come." he murmurs. I smile and kiss his cheek.
"Me either." I whisper.

"I'm sorry. Did I just hear the word babies?!" Chris screeches and hands Aaron back to Shauna.

"Yes you did." four agrees and puts his hands on both sides of my stomach. I blush and avoid her gaze.

"This is amazing." she states in shock. I smile at four and he smiles back.

"It's going to be a lot more work, But totally worth it." he states. Chris looks at Shauna and they both nod like they're having a mental talk.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to get the present." Chris states and rushes back outside.

"Oh Shauna you can take a seat." I realize and lead her to the living room. She looks around and smiles.

"I like this. It's a nice place, I hope to have this with Zeke one day." she admits and hands Aaron a toy to play with.

"Yea, I miss the headquarters. But, this is amazing. I never really though of myself as a mom in the future." I shrug. She smiles and looks down at Aaron.

"I never thought of being a parent either... But it's pretty darn good." she laughs.

"I can just imagine Zeke. He probably spoils him." I smile.

"Oh, he does. Zeke says that Aaron reminds him of when he was a baby. But who remembers when they were a year old." she says and rolls her eyes. I laugh again and Chris rushes into the room with a white box in her hands.

"Surprise!" She screams making Aaron cry.

"Really Chris!" Shauna exclaims and picks the baby off of the plush carpet.

"What is it?" Four asks suspiciously.

"A cake duh. Basically, Tris won't be having a baby shower because no one knows about the babies yet. So I decided we should just celebrate." Chris shrugs and sets the cake on the kitchen counter she rummages through the drawers then pulls a knife out and cuts multiple slices.

"Thank you." I say quietly. I hug her and she hugs back. For a person that's not fond of hugging, I'm sure doing a lot of it today.

"No problem." she says and I pull away to look at the cake. It's two layers, the first is pink and the second is blue. The frosting is white and the words 'congrats on the baby' is written on the top with frosting.

"I would have out babies if I had known. she adds and hands me a slice.

"It's perfect thank you." I say and four takes the slice from me. He puts it up to his nose and sniffs it.

"Did you just-"
"There's not weed in here is there?" He interrupts me to ask Chris.

"What?!" I exclaim and look at her in panic.
"No there's not marijuana in there! I had a baker make that!" she exclaims defensively.

"Four! Why would you ask that?" I scold and slap his arm.

"The last time she gave me cake I got high. I didn't realize that somebody has a talent for baking weed into food." He replies and hands it back to me.

"That was once!" She argues.

"Oh god. Not this again." Shauna groans at them.

"It's true! You can't trust her with food!" Four argues.

"Yes you can!" Chris whines.

"Four, quit it. I would be able to smell of weed was in here." I say and take a big bite of the vanilla cake.

"And how would you know that?" Shauna asks with an award winning smirk. I feel the blush rising up my neck and into my cheeks.

"I had a little bit of a wild side when I was younger." I admit.

"You?" Chris asks in disbelief.

"Yes me! What's wrong with me?" I ask in a hurt tone. Four wraps his arms around me and smiles.

"Looks like someone's emotions are all over again." he teases and wipes the stray year from my cheek.
•At least a dozen parts from my next story have been, written, spell checked and published. Its called 'Divergent'. If you like this book I suggest reading it. I promise it's different than this one, some parts may seem familiar though. Go read it! 😘 I'll love you forever!•

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