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"Okay that's enough." Four says and throws me over his shoulder. I squeal and slam my hand against his back.

"Four put me down." I whine.

"No you need to eat, rest, then do something more productive then sitting and watching the video over and over. Tris it's horrible that all you have done, is mope around about this." four answers and starts to carry me from the office. I grip the door and he pauses to pry my fingers off the doorway. He sits me in a chair in the cafeteria and goes to get us food. Everybody stares at me and I roll my eyes.

"Tris is finally here." Uriah says with a goofy smirk.
"Unwillingly." I mutter.
"Don't be a party pooper." Zeke says and nudges me.

"I'm not. I don't want to be at the party period." I reply, metaphorically speaking. He rolls his eyes and nudges me.

"Be happy, you're here already." he adds.

"Tell four I left." I say and stand up. Uriah and Zeke grab both of my arms and pull me so I'm sitting back down.

"Stop stressing. You're making four a wreck." Uriah instructs. I frown slightly and a trey of food gets put in front of me.

"Move." four says to Uriah and pushes him out of the chair. four sits next to me and I start eating.

Chris squeals and an aww escapes her mouth.

"What?" I ask.
"Nothing." she says.
"its something." I reply. She stands up and looks at four.

"She'll be back." she says and then drags me to the bathroom.

"Thank god I wasn't about to ask four to go change my tampon." I mutter and go into the stall. I come back out and wash my hands.

"He remembered." she says.
"Remembered what?" I ask.
"That you were a vegan." she says excitedly.

"So?" I ask.

"Don't act stupid. Wills my best friend and works in the camera room. I saw you guys kiss." she says.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say and leave the bathroom in a hurry. a blush forms on my cheeks and I sit back down. Chris sits across from me and questions fly my way.

"Why are you blushing?"

"What'd she ask?"



"Chris tell me." Shauna says. Chris smirks and starts to whisper something in her ear.

"Chris don't you dare." I threaten. She pauses the squeals something and runs. I throw my chair back and chase after her.

"I had to! She can make a pillow hurt!" Chris yells as we run down the stairs.

"I can make my fist hurt." I scream and sprint after her. She runs into the conference room and runs around the table. she squeaks and I glare at her from across the table. A few people are scared around the table, all of them have confused expressions in their faces.

I throw myself on the table and im about to tackle her when muscly arms wrap around me. they drag me away from her and I try kicking my way out of their arms.

"Calm down." fours soothing voice whispers as he drags me out of the room.

He rubs my back and gently sits me down. He crouches in front of me and gently grabs my hands in his.

"What was that?" He asks with concern in his eyes.

"Nothing." I say and put my forehead on my knees. he gently rubs my hand and forces me to look at him.

"Tell me." He says with worried eyes.
"Chris saw us kiss. So did Will." I mutter.
"And you regret it?" he asks hurt.

"No I just don't want Peter to go after you. the more people that know about me liking you the bigger target you are." I say.

"I can take care of myself." he says and gently pulls me into his arms.

"I can't loose anyone else." I mumble into his chest.

"You won't, i promise." he says and hugs me tighter. We stay like that for a few minutes and finally stand up.

"Now c'mon. We have our first date waiting for us." he says and grabs my hand.

"And I have no say in this?" I question.

"Nope. You just admitted that you liked me. So I have absolute control of this situation." he says and gently tugs on my arm. I follow him with a smile and he picks me up. I squeal as he does so, and a chuckle vibrates through his body.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." he replies and starts walking down the stairs. he sets me down in the elevator and swipes his card. We start moving and I pout.

"I don't like surprises." I say.
"You'll like this one." he says.

"You're lucky I trust you." I say with a pointed look. he smiles and faces me.

"I know." he whispers and gently presses his lips to mine. I smile and kiss him back. My arms wrap around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist.

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