Chapter 30

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I wake up with fours warm arms wrapped around me. I look up at him with a smile and I wiggle out of him arms.

"Where are you going?" He asks in a tired voice.
"I have to shower and get dressed. Then I'll make us breakfast." I say and grab a pair of clothes.

"No good morning kiss?" He asks and sits up. I laugh at his bed head and lean over to kiss him. Before I realize what he's doing, he flips me onto the bed and hovers over me with a smirk.

"You're an arse." I say with a pout.
"Am I really?" He teases as presses his lips to mine. I laugh and kiss him back.
"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." he replies and runs his fingers through my hair. An alarm starts to blare and he groans, annoyed. We quickly get dressed then race to the computer room.

People jump out from everywhere and i scream in shock. Four bursts into laughter and I glare at him.
"Surprise!" They yell and I slap four in the back of the head.

"You knew about this?" I exclaim.
"It's an anniversary party." he states with a shrug. i pout and he hugs me from behind.

"Don't worry be happy." he teases and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you." I reply and I peck his lips. He chuckles and Chris hugs me.

"Chris helped." he adds and I hug her back.
"Congrats." Will says and hugs me.

"Thanks." I say and four protectively pulls me back to his side.

"Finally." Uriah says and picks me up. Zeke and Uriah bear hug me and I gasp for air. Four eventually gets them off of me and I hide behind him.
*One Week Before The Wedding*

I wake up, with fours arms wrapped around my bare waist and his face nuzzled into my neck. A smile forms on my face and I cuddle closer to him.

"Good morning beautiful." he whispers in my ear. I turn around in his arms and peck his lips.

"Good morning." I reply with a blush.
"One week." he states with a goofy smile.
"Until what?" I tease.

"You're officially mine." he replies and presses his lips against mine.

"I'm already yours." I state with a laugh.
"Yea, but I want to show everyone that you're taken." he says and starts to play with the ring on my finger.  I smile and pull him into a hug. My arms wrap around his neck and he hugs me back.

"I love you so much." I whisper.
"I love you too." he replies and kisses my shoulder. The door flies open and four quickly wraps a blanket around us. I blush and look up at Chris.

"Cmon get dressed. Today is your dress fitting." Chris says and starts to pick an outfit for me.

"Chris, seriously?" Four groans in annoyance. A laugh escapes my mouth and I kiss him. I stand up with one of our sheets wrapped around my body, then go to take a quick shower.

When I get out four is still laying in bed so I throw a pair of sweatpants at him.

"Four, go get dressed." I say with a laugh. An exaggerated sigh escapes his mouth and he goes into the bathroom. I get dressed then grab an apple off of the counter and follow Chris.

"Is this really necessary at seven in the morning?" I ask.

"Yes, your wedding is a week away. We leave for Santa Cruz in two days and maybe if you were excited the days would go by faster. It's not seven it's eleven." she says and drags me down the hallway.  I blush and she tugs me into the elevator.

"I am excited, you have no idea. I'm just nervous." I reply quietly.

"Why?" She asks and turns towards me.
"What if I'm not a good wife? If we have kids, am I going to be like my mom was?" I ask mostly myself.

"Listen, nows not the time to worry about this stuff. Take life as it comes at you. Live in the present not the future." she says and the elevator opens. I nod and follow her to the car.

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