Break ups part two

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I quickly send Zeke a text telling him to get four here and he replies with an okay.

I enter the club and the smell of sweat hits me. I cringe and push past the sweaty people dancing to the sound of the pounding music.

When I get to the bar, I order the strongest thing they have and they slide me a clear drink. I take a sip and smile, it barely taste like anything. I gulp the rest down and that's when it really gets into my system.


I wake up with a massive headache. i drowsily sit up and see four sitting across the room with his head in his hands. my heart clenches and I sigh. He quickly looks up and my eyes meet his red rimmed ones.

I cringe and close my eyes.

"Do you not want, the same thing as me?" he asks quietly. I sigh and once again, look up at him.

"Four Im sorry. But, this isn't going to work. I whisper just so he can hear. I stand up and crawl out of his bed.

After quietly shutting the door and taking one more look at his shocked face, I go to my apartment for the first time in a few days.

A sob escapes my mouth and I sink to the ground. Somehow, everything good in my life turns bad.


"Tris?" Zeke asks and enters my room. i stay quiet and he sighs.

"Tris. I heard what happened." he says and sits on the corner of my bed.

I continue staring at the wall ahead of me and he moves closer. He wraps me into a friendly hug and I wince away.

"I don't want a hug." I mutter and yank away from his hug.

"You know you did the right thing." he replies.

"I know. But I can't help wondering. I can barely remember what happened last night." I whisper.

"Four said he was worried so he tracked your phone.You had shit it off for a while but when he checked again it was on. You were at a club, so he went to check on you. When he got there you were drunk and dancing with some guy. apparently he saw you kissing him." Zeke answers.

A loud gulp interrupts the silence and I meet his eyes.

"Just as we planned." I whisper and the tears that have built up in my eyes stream down my face.

"Tris, you need to get up. Shower, go work on this case. Because when you solve it and stop these people after you, I know that four will forgive you." he says softly.

With those words it settles in.

'I've been sitting here moping, instead of finding the person who is keeping me from four.' I think to myself.

My feet act quickly and I jump up. I run out of the room and hear Zekes chuckles before I get to the office. my hands immediately open my laptop and I pull up everything I need.


"Need help?" Marlene asks and sits next to me.

"Yea I do. Do you mind, looking up who Jeanine Matthews is, I linked her face back to one of the files in the system, but there's more on her. there has to be." I say.

"Yea no problem.... do you maybe want to... talk about four and why he's drunk in the chasm?" she asks hesitantly.

"I'm good." I answer and she shrugs.

"If you need to talk to anyone, I'm here for you." she says then goes back to her office.

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