Chapter 42

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The doorbell rings and Chris stands up. I stay huddled in a ball, on the couch and I pause the movie. She looks through the peephole and I sigh.

"Who is it?" I ask and she opens the door to reveal four. His eyes have bags underneath them and he looks angry.

"What's wrong?" I ask and he pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his tense shoulders and he sighs.

"We got rid of all of the cameras. Im just stressed." he states quietly

"Cmon lets get you home." he adds and lifts me up. Tired, I don't abject and he nods at Chris.

"Thanks for watching her." he says.

"Anytime." she replies and he leaves the apartment. I cuddle against his chest and he rubs my back. After a few minutes he stops in front of our door and gently sets me on my feet. He opens the door then picks me up once again. He carries me to the bedroom and gently sits me on the bed.

"Do you want me to get your pajamas?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"You've been in work out clothes all day." he states softly.

"I'm tired." I mumble and he chuckles.

"Here, I'll give you my shirt then." he states and pulls it off. He hands it to me and I tiredly change into. He goes into the closet and when he comes back out he's only in a pair of basketball shorts. He switches the light off, then pulls me so my back is pressed against his chest.

"Go to sleep, when you wake up I'll tell you what me and Zeke did." he whispers and I let my eyes droop shut.
I wake up to four lightly shaking me.

"Wakey wakey. Training starts in two hours." He states and i sit up with a sigh.

"I'm gonna go take a shower. When i get out you have to tell me everything," i instruct.

"I will. And when you're showering i'll make breakfast." He replies and i nod.

After my shower i get dressed in a tank top and a pair of leggings, my normal workout outfit. When i enter the kitchen the smell of eggs and bacon hits me and i sit down at the breakfast bar. A plate gets put in front of me and i smile at Four.

"Thanks." i say and he nods.

"You know it's not a problem." he replies and sits next to me.

"What did you guys find?" i ask after a few minutes of silence.

"Someone has been monitoring us for months now. There's cameras that run out of storage after a few weeks, we found several of them. And microphones." He admits and i freeze.

"I know, we need to get out of here." he interrupts and i shake my head.

"I was going to say that no one knows about the baby. Only Chris and Shauna, who haven't told anyone." i state.

"So?" he asks cautiously.

"There's no way Eric would know that i was pregnant, not unless one of us told him. And i know for a fact both Shauna and Chris hate him." i reply and his eyes shoot up to mine.

"It;s him'' he states in shock.

"But how would he get cameras in our room? He was with us the whole time." i add making him frown.

"What about the video footage. We didn't have time to look into it yesterday," Four replies.

"Erased." i state and he glares into mid air.

"When did our life get so messed up?" he grumbles and puts his head in his hands. I rub his shoulders and kiss his cheek.

"Everything will be fine. But we have to get to training. Before Eric kills one of the trainees 'By accident'" i reply with air quotes. He chuckles lightly and stands up.

"I'm not letting you go near him alone." He states and i nod as we leave the apartment.

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