Chapter 46

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"Tris." four urges. I tiredly cuddle closer to his side and he lightly chuckles. He pokes my side making me squirm closer to him and I open my eyes.

"Cmon baby, time to get up." he teases.
"I'm tired." i mumble against his chest.

"I know but it's time to go tell everyone the news." He replies.

"Do we have too? Chris is going to go crazy." I whisper desperately.

"If we don't tell them and we just... disappear. They're not only going to be sad, but they're also going to be pissed at us." He explains.

"Okay." I agree a a he helps me sit up. He kisses my baby bump then stands up.

"I'll go tell everyone to meet us in the cafeteria." he says and I peck his lips as he leaves the room.

After taking a quick shower I change into a new pair of clothes and go to the kitchen. I drink a glass of orange juice and four comes back.

"They'll be there in ten minutes." he states and wraps his arms around my waist.

"What are we going to tell them? Are we going to tell them about the baby? Only Shauna and Chris know so far." I whisper and he kisses my shoulder.

"It's safer for less people to know about this." he states. I nod in reply and he sighs.

"Cmon." he whispers and links our hands together. We leave the room and go to the cafeteria. All of our friends are sitting at the table to the far right. Theres only a few people scattered around at other tables.

"Are you ready for this?" Four quietly asks.
"As ready as I'll ever be." i answer.

"Let's grab se food first." he offers and leads me to the buffet style line. I grab a plate of dauntless cake and he chuckles.

"Nice breakfast." he comments.
"It's not my fault I'm craving chocolate." i backfire and he smirks as he pays for our food. We go to the table and I see Chris lock Uriah under the table. His head flies off the table and he looks around disoriented.

"What?" He asks in confusion.
"Oh" I realized after a few seconds of looking around. I laugh and four clasps our hands together under the table.

"So why did you guys make us come here?" Zeke is the first to ask.

"Tris and I have made up our minds..." four starts and glances at me."we decided to move out of dauntless."
The table silences and everyone stares at us in shock. I bite my lower lip and four runs my knee.

"I think I heard wrong." Chris informs us in shock.

"We're moving." I whisper and the screaming begins. Uriah is freaking out to himself while Chris screams at us that we can't leave. Zeke just stares at four with furrowed eyebrows, and Shauna tries to control her baby's crying. Will yells at Chris to shut up but she continues screaming. Marlene stands up and pulls me Ito a hug.

"Can everyone shut up?! It's their choice, it's their life. Of this is what they want we are going to stand by them and support them!" She yells at the top of her lungs. Everyone stops talking and four pulls me back to his side.

"Why?" Zeke asks.
"We want to have a normal life." four replies.

"That's a lie. I know you four. Something else is going on." he states angrily.

"Nothing is going on. Me and Tris want to have normal lives. Were married." four growls. I grip his hand and Zekes eyes narrow.

"There's something not right here." he states and his eyes travel to me. His eyes travel to my stomach and his eyes widen in shock. I silently pray that he doesn't say anything, and he must understand because he stays quiet.

"Well still come and visit you guys." I whisper and look at Chris who now has tears in her eyes. I stand up and go to her side. I hug her and she immediately hugs back.

"I don't totally agree with this. But this is your life. You do what's best for this baby." she whispers in my ear. I pull away with a smile and nod.

"Thank you." I whisper and sit besides Four once again.

"I agree with Mar. Its your choice....When are you leaving?" Will asks quietly.

"Sometime this week." I answer and four nods in reply.

"Well... let's make it the best week of your life's." Shauna says with a wide smile.

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