chapter two

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Five men stood in front of me

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Five men stood in front of me. I pat myself down to make sure I have my weapons on me. Just in case they try any funny business. Alessandro hasn't tried anything yet, but i'm prepared for something to happen.

"Sage these are your brothers, boys introduce yourselves," Alessandro said. They all still stare at me.

"So are you guys going to talk or..." I trail off.

"I'm your oldest brother, Ace," He said.

Play boy name, cool.

"Hi, i'm your second oldest brother, Lorenzo," He said with a loving smile.

I'm going to like him.

"Got it Enzo," I say. His smile widens at the nickname.

"I'm your third oldest brother, Giovanni," He said.

He sounds like a librarian.

I look at the next one in line and Giovanni nudged him. "Dante," He mumbled and walked away.

So he's an asshole, cool.

I look at the last one and he as a bright smile on his face as he visibly jumped up and down with excitement.

"Hi! I'm Marco! Spelled M-A-R-C-O! It's really nice to have you back twinny! We can bond just like old times! I love your hair by the way, what do you use in it? Maybe I can get my curls like yours, and they look so healthy! I'm just so excited you're back!" He said with a bright smile.

I get attacked with a tight hug causing me to back away in fright. He pulled back and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot to ask for consent, can I hug you? Sorry I was just really excited and didn't think about you," He said.

I open my arms and he smiles and hugged me. "Wow your hair smells really good," He said. I looked up at him weirdly as he sniffed my hair.

"I think that's enough Marco," Alessandro said and pulled him off of me.

"How about you show her to her room yeah?" Alessandro asked.

"Okay!" Marco said and dragged me by my arm.

"So the rooms go from oldest to youngest. Your door is the last on the right because you're the youngest," He said.

"Dad's room is around the corner and this is your room." He said and pushed open the door.

The room was beautiful. I look around before completely going in. "I hope you like it, I updated it every time i updated my room," He said.

"I love it, thank you," I say and place my book bag up on the hook.

"Anything for my twin," He said with a smile.

"Dinner is in two hours, I can give you some clothes so you can freshen up. Wash that flight off of you if you want," Marco said.

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