chapter fifty-seven

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I woke up with a splash of water

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I woke up with a splash of water. I opened my eyes and glared at the man standing in front of me.

"Sage Ferrari," He said with a smirk.

"In the fucking flesh asshole." I replied sarcastically.

"You're a beauty, even with the bandage. No wonder Alexei was fascinated with you."

I roll my eyes, "Was that supposed to make me smile?"

"You have quite a mouth on you."

"Holy shit!" I gasp and put my hands on both of my cheeks. "Do I?" I ask with a eye roll.

He chuckled and the cell door opened again. Annika came in with a sly smile on her face. "How's the princess doing? I've seen you've met Pavel."

He rose to his feet and pulled Annika in by the waist. I don't care enough to hide my disgust as they make out. Annika ends the kiss with a peck and she looked back at me with a smirk.

"Is this supposed to be your rebound or something?" I ask.

Pavel's face fell. He got down on my level and grabbed my chin in a harsh grip. "Make no mistake, i'm no rebound."

I grit my teeth, "Could have fooled me." I say sarcastically.

He backhanded me, "Ah I would hold your tongue if I were you. Lord knows you don't want anything to happen to your precious child." Annika said with a smile.

I glared at her. Her smile widened when I didn't snap back at her.

"Where is she?" I ask.


"My mother, where is she?" I ask.

"Doing what she was told." Pavel said and roughly let me go.

Annika got out a bottle water, "I'm sure you're thirsty yeah?"

I haven't had food or water since i've been here. My stomach was hurting and I felt lightheaded. My throat was dry along with my mouth.

I shook my head no, not trusting anything that came from them. Annika put the water bottle in my hand. "I insist drink it."

I dropped the water bottle and looked at both of them. "Guess we're doing this the hard way."

Pavel grabbed my arms and pinned them at my sides and got on top of me. My body was too weak to fight back. Annika grabbed my chin and brought the bottle to my lips, but I firmly shut my mouth.

Pavel kneed me in my gut. I let out a sharp breath through my nose. He kneed me again and I let out a grunt. On the fifth knee I finally caved with a wheeze.

Water rushed in my mouth. Annika clamped my nostrils shut. "Drink it or you won't breathe." Annika ordered.

"Drink it Sage." Pavel ordered and kneed me in my stomach again.

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