chapter sixty-five

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"Mommy will you come back?" Maya asked, her big doe eyes staring up at me as she sat in my lap

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"Mommy will you come back?" Maya asked, her big doe eyes staring up at me as she sat in my lap.

I hug her to my chest, "Of course. I'll always come back for you." I say.

She hugs me back and relaxes on my chest. "How
long will you be gone?"

"Two days at most. Then you can see your daddy, Luna, and your cousins again. And you can even go back to the park and play with your friends." I say.

"I miss daddy," she mumbles, "And his dumplings."

I laugh and pull out my phone. "We can call him if you want." She shook her head vigorously. I tap on Lee's contact and face time him.

He answers on the second ring and I give the phone to Maya. "Hi daddy!" She yells, a wide grin on her face.

"Hey princess, what're you doing up so early?" He asks.

"I couldn't sleep and i'm up to say bye to mommy and Noni. I miss you and your dumplings you make me." She said with a pout.

"I miss you too princess. When you and your mother get back i'll have a fresh batch of dumplings waiting for you, how does that sound?"

"Okay daddy. Make some for mommy and Luna too."

"Will do princess. Are you okay?"

"Yeah daddy i'm fine. But Mommy is leaving me for two days and I can't see you either," A giant frown on her face.

"After the two days are up how about we go see The Lion King? It's on broadway right now, would you like that? Or do you want to see something different?" Lee asked.

A smile breaks out on her face, "Hmm..." she brought her finger up to her chin and gently tapped it like she was thinking. Lee smiled, "What else is on broadway daddy?" She asked.

"There's Aladdin, Mary Poppins, Beauty And The Beast, Anastasia, Beetle Juice, The Little Mermaid, Matilda, Tarzan, and Hairspray." Lee answered.

"Can we see all of them?" Maya asked excitedly.

"Of course princess, but some of them are very long. I don't think you'll sit through them."

"I'm a big girl daddy, I can sit through them." Maya sassily replied.

Lee chuckled, "Okay princess, i'll hold you to it."

"What do you want to do for your birthday?" He asked.

"I want to have a sleepover! With my friends from the park and can we take them to a broadway show, maybe a party too since I never had one, or we can go to Brazil, or—"

"Tell me when I see you again, okay princess?"

"Okay daddy."

"Is your mother around?" Lee asked.

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