chapter fourteen

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I get in the back seat with Aurora, Kai got in the drivers, and Andrea in the passenger seat

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I get in the back seat with Aurora, Kai got in the drivers, and Andrea in the passenger seat.

"So what's going on between you and my brother?" I ask.

Kai looked back, "Nothing why?" She asked.

"I mean it has to be something. The way you guys look at each other, there's pretty strong tension." I say.

"We had sex last summer." She blurted out.

"Wait he's the guy?!" Andrea and Aurora both yelled at the same time.

"We had sex last summer, it was supposed to just be a fling thing. Then I found out he was one of Lee's friends and it's just been like that ever since." She said.

"Been like what?" I ask.

"I don't know, it's like on and off. When I found out he slept with someone else I just did my own thing and slept with other people too. But the sex just wasn't as good, even with a girl I left like I was missing something. One night he spent the night over our house with the crew and he came to my room and we fucked. And it's been like this since the beginning of March." She ranted.

"Sorry that felt really good to get out." She said with a sigh.

"That was a lot to take in, in fifteen seconds." I say.

"Sorry did I talk to much? It's just that I really don't get to talk about that, so it's like really relieving." He said.

"You're fine." I say.

"So now that is over, why have you been avoiding my brother?" She asked.

I slumped back in my seat. "I don't know what you're talking about." I say.

"Uh yes you do. Literally everyone in our friend group can sense the tension between you to." Aurora said.

"There's no tension." I say with a shrug.

"The little side glances you give each other, plus the glares you shoot at each other. It's clearly obvious."

"Plus that kiss was steamy," Andrea said and wiggled her eyebrows.

"We were drunk. Nothing major." I say.

Kai looked back at me, "You're going to crash into that pole if you keep looking at me like that." I say.

"And where are we going anyways? This isn't the way to Mcdonald's." Aurora said.

"I want to go home first and get out of this dress, it's itchy. Plus pant suits are more of my style." Kai said.

Ten minutes later we arrive at Kai's house. We all get out the car.

"Do you guys here that?" I ask.

They all stop talking.

It was a light beeping noise. We all looked around. "Guys I think it's a bomb," Andrea whispered.

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