chapter three

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"Good morning twinny!" A body jumps on me

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"Good morning twinny!" A body jumps on me. I groan, "Get off me!" I say.

I was having a good dream, I was married to Bryson Tiller. I only get those dreams like once a year, i'm pissed.

"Wake up! It's time for breakfast," He yelled.

"Why are you yelling at—" I look at the clock to see its 7 in the morning.

"Seven in the morning?" I ask.

"Because i'm hungry and you're here, so we can go downstairs together," He said with a bright smile.

"Okay give me a minute," I mumble and get up from the bed. I go into the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth.

I fluff up my hair to the way I wanted it and went out the bathroom to see Marco laughing hysterically holding the envelope with the condoms and black card.

"You had the talk too? Oh my god that must've been hilarious, i wish i was there," He said.

I snatch the envelope out his hand and threw it on the nightstand.

"You saw nothing," I say and drag a laughing Marco out the room.

"What is he laughing about?" Lorenzo asked.

"Dad gave her condoms," He wheezed out, holding his stomach.

I punch him in his arm, he winced in pain and instantly shut up. "Jesus you hit hard," He said and held his arm.

"She probably hits like a little girl," Dante mumbled. They might have not heard him, but I sure as hell did. I chose to ignore his comment and sit down.

Lorenzo set a plate full of waffles, fruit, eggs, bacon, biscuits and syrup in front of me. I look at the food with wide eyes, Lorenzo looks at me and smiles.

"thank you," I say.

"No problem sweetheart," He said and patted him head. I glare at him and fix my hair.

Marco sits besides me and instantly starts eating.

I put the cloth on my lap and pick up the fork and start eating. "Enzo always cooks the best food in the morning, you're going to love waking up to this every morning," Marco said and stuffed his face more.

Alessandro and Ace come into the dining room.

"Good morning kids," Alessandro said.We all respond with a good morning. Alessandro comes and kissed Marco and I on our temples.

"How did you sleep bambina?" He asked.

"I slept good until Marco jumped on me in my sleep," I say and glare at him.

"Get used to it, he used to do that to everyone every single day," Ace said.

We all start eating, I occasionally catch Dante looking at me. I brush it off and eat until i'm full.

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