chapter twenty-eight

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"I don't know what you're talking about

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"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not lying I would never swear like that in front of him. I s—"

Mj ran into the living room with just his underwear on, "Stupid bitch!" He shouted and ran out.

Marco starts laughing, "Come on dad, I didn't teach him that."

"Mj put your clothes on!" Dad shouted.

"No bitch!" Mj shouted back.

"I swear I didn't teach him that." Marco said.

Dad got up and walked out the room.

"Did you teach him that?" I ask Marco.

"Well he heard me cussing on the phone and I told him not to say it, but he keeps repeating it. What am I supposed to do? Duct tape his mouth?"

I shake my head. I stand up and go upstairs to Lee's room. He was still sleeping.

I take off my shoes and pants. I crawl under the sheets and kiss up his stomach. I get to his face and smother him in kisses.

"Lee wake up." I whisper.

He groaned and wrapped his arms around me and flipped us over to the side. He nuzzled his face into my neck.

"Dude, you're messing up my hair." I say with a whine and pull away from him.

"Come on, we're going shopping today for Paris, we need to get you a suit." I say.

He pulled my body closer and pulled my shirt up, his hand caressing my stomach. "Just five more minutes." He mumbled and sighed.

I wrap my arms around his bare torso, "Okay but only five." I say.

I run my hands through his hair, massaging his scalp. He groaned and moved closer to me.

He kissed my neck and ran his hand up and down my hip.

"It's been ten minutes." I say.

"I know." Lee mumbled. His head was now inside of my shirt, he had unhooked my bra so he could lay on my boobs.

"Your boobs are so comfortable and warm." He mumbled and nuzzled his face into them.

"You're such a weirdo." I say.

"Alright come on." I say and lift up my shirt. Lee grumbled as I sat up and put my bra back on.

"We're leaving at 11, so you have thirty minutes. Take a shower and get ready." I say and kiss his lips.

"Why can't I stay in bed then meet you guys there?" He asked.

"Because I want you to go with me. Now come on." I say and get out of bed.

I put my pants back on and my shoes while Lee slowly walks to the bathroom.

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