chapter thirty-five

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I am awoken by my phone annoyingly ringing in my ear

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I am awoken by my phone annoyingly ringing in my ear. I answer it and put it up to my ear. "hello?" I ask.

"hey Sage can you come to your house Ace and I have something to tell you all." Kayla said.

I check the time to see it's 11am. "yeah i'll be there in like 20 minutes." I say, we say our goodbyes and hang up the phone.

I look over to see Lee sleeping peacefully, i thread my fingers through his hair.

"wake up Lee." I say, he shifts his body closer to me putting his face in the crook of my neck.

"wake up Lee i have to get home." I said rubbing my hand up and down his back.

"okay i'm up." He said sitting up, i sit up with him.

"good morning." He said leaning in for a kiss. "good morning." I replied giving him a kiss.

I borrow a sweatpants, boxers, and a hoodie from him and I brush my teeth. We take a quick shower and put on our clothes and leave.

We pull up to my house to see extra cars in the driveway. Lee pulls me in for a kiss. I kiss him back and pull away to open up the door. He kissed me once more before pulling away.

I close the door and wave. I walk in the house and Luna comes up to me barking. I pick her up and scratch behind her ears.

I walk into the living room where i hear voices. There sits the entire family.

"Hey guys." I say, sitting down on the floor with Luna in between my legs.

"It's so bright in here." Marco groaned as he shut his eyes. Dante and Marco both looked terrible. I was drunk, but not to the point where I had a killer headache.

A chorus of greetings sound around the room. "how do you not have a hangover?" Dante asked groaning.

"I didn't drink that much." I say.

"We were looking for you and Lee for like thirty minutes." Dante mumbled.

"We went to his place and chilled, it was to hot in there and the music was giving me a headache." I lie.

Ace and Kayla walk into the room. "Hey love birds, what did you have to tell us? Wait is it good news or bad news?" I ask.

"I think it's good news." Ace said with a smile.

"Ace is smiling?! It must be really good news." Zio Roman said.

"Wait can I guess?" I ask.

"Knock yourself out." Ace said.

"You got a dog that Luna can play with?" I ask.

Kayla shook her head no.

"Um, you got a new property?" Dorian asked.

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