chapter fifteen

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I wake up thirsty

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I wake up thirsty. We were staying with the Ferrari's now. I had no problem with it, i was temporarily living with two of my best friends.

I got out the bed and walked out my room.

I walked past Sage's room and paused when I heard gasping for air.

I slowly push the door open and look around. Sage was on the bed scratching at her throat as she struggled to breathe. She had tears running down her face.

I instantly run to her side.

"Sage," I say.

She didn't stop.

When my hand came in contact with her arm her body shot up. Before I could even comprehend what was happening she was on top of me, her hand tightly wrapped around my throat, and cold metal pressed into my head.

She looked down at me confused. Her vulnerability shining through her eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing? I could have killed you." She said.

"Sorry I just heard you struggling so I came in here to try and help you." I said.

Sage sighed and got up off of me. "I appreciate you trying to help, but I don't need it, so respectfully, get out." She said.

"Sage that was kind of serious d—"

"Please leave, Lee. It was just a nightmare." She said.

I sigh and get up from the bed, "Well i'm up if you need me, just come to my room." I say and walk out her room.

I hit the bag with force as I blew out air

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I hit the bag with force as I blew out air. Sweat trickled down my body as I hit the bag again.

I stepped back and hit it with my foot. It broke off the hinges. Sand poured out the bag when it hit the ground.

"Fuck," I cursed and took out my headphones.

I've been at this since three this morning since Lee came in my room.

I didn't mean to be rude, but i just didn't want anyone to see me at such a vulnerable state.

"That's the second one you broke." Lee voiced.

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