chapter twenty-six

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I woke up abruptly

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I woke up abruptly. It was dark in the room. Lee's face was smushed in between my boobs. I look over at the digital clock on his nightstand.

It was 4:13 in the morning. I didn't feel tired and I couldn't go back to sleep. I slowly slide out of bed, Lee grabbed my hand startling me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Just to the bathroom." I whisper.

I grunt in pain from the soreness between my legs. I go to the bathroom and pee. When I come out Lee is laying back on his elbows.

"What are you doing up?" He asked.

"I couldn't sleep." I say and walk to the closet.

I go over to the little section I had in there and put on a crop top, underwear, and sweatpants.

I go back in the room, "Go back to sleep, i'll be back. Just thirsty." I say.

He nodded his head and laid down.

I went into my room and looked around for something to make me go to sleep.

My eyes come across my nightstand.

Weed. I thought.

Weed makes me hungry, then I eat, then I go to sleep. I could sleep in, I really didn't have anything to do, plus it was a Saturday.

I got out my weed and and rolled up. I got a lighter and lit it. I inhale the smoke and sigh.

I let out a giggle as I fell back onto my bed. I had smoked one and a half blunts.

I hugged my panda pillow and cuddled into its fur. "I'm hungry." I say.

I smile and get out the bed.

I bring my pillow with me and we go downstairs. I turn on the kitchen light.

I squint my eyes shut, "Holy fuck that's bright." I mumble.

I grab bread, cheese, a pan, butter, a spatula, and a plate. I make three grilled cheeses.

I grab some minute maid juice from the fridge and pour me some in a glass.

I pout when I couldn't fit my panda in my hand also. I put my stuff down and pick him up first then squeeze him between my arms.

"Sorry buddy, you're going to have to be squished for a moment." I say.

I pick up my stuff and start wandering around. I open up a random door and enter.

Dad paused from speaking and Ace, Gio, and Enzo looked back at me.

I sat down on his office couch and put down my drink. I set my panda beside me and put the plate into my lap.

I pick up a triangle that I cut my sandwiches into and take a bite. "Mmm this is so good. Have you guys ever had a grilled cheese?" I ask and look up.

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