chapter seventeen

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"What color should we wear?" I ask

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"What color should we wear?" I ask.

"Definitely black. With a little bit of color accessories." Andrea said from the phone.

Javier, Andrea, Aurora, Kayden, Luca, and Jayden went home. Andrea and Aurora mom wanted them home and the boys had some things to do. Luca had to study for a big exam he had tomorrow.

"Guys we have to go, our mom is yelling at us to get downstairs." Aurora said.

"Yeah see you guys tomorrow at school. You bitches better come to." Andrea said and they hung up the phone.

"These bangs are irritating

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"These bangs are irritating." Kai said as she put her hands in her hair.

I slapped her hand with the comb.

"Ow! What the fuck Sage." She grumbled.

"You're messing up the wig." I say.

"You're so lucky I let you wear your afro and not put you through this torture." She mumbled and crossed her arms.

I finished up her hair and fixed her makeup by the lace. I stood her in front of the mirror and fix her hair to how I wanted it to look with my fingers.

"Okay we're done." I say.

"I can admit, bangs do look good on me." She said.

"We look hot as fuck. Let's take pictures." She said and pulled out her phone.

"Wait! Let's go in the closet. There's a bigger mirror there, plus my bathroom is a mess." I say.

We take a couple of pictures. "Girls are you ready?!" Ares shouted.

We grab our purses and go downstairs.

"Absolutely not." Lee said eyeing me up and down.

"What the hell?"

"Immediately a no for me."

"What's wrong with our outfits? I think they're cute." I say.

"No offense but you both look like hookers." Fredrico said.

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