chapter forty

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 Sage starts hyperventilating, she falls to the floor

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Sage starts hyperventilating, she falls to the floor. "We need help over here!" Alessandro shouts. Sage starts uncontrollably shaking.

All the doctors and nurses rush out with another stretcher with an air mask. The nurses put Sage on the stretcher and wheel her back into the white doors.

Her family just stares at the white doors in worry.

"We're going to make some calls to the family" Mara said her and Ares got up and walked out the room.

They all sigh and sit down in the chairs. Ace goes to make calls to his men. Alina and Alessandro sat together. Alina rubbed his back in support.

Ares and Mara went outside in front of the hospital and sat down on a bench.

Mara broke down, a sob leaving her mouth. Ares held her tightly as he shed a few tears of his own.

Dante and Kai held each other as they both tried their best to not cry. Dante ran his hands through her short hair and breathed in her scent. Her scent slightly calming him.

Andrea threads through Marco hair as his head was in her lap A tear slips out of Marco's eye.

Giovanni has a blank face on but you could see the pain in his eyes. Camilla held his hand and squeezed  it to let him know she's there for him.

Oliver rubs soothing circles on Lorenzo's back as he held his face in his hands.

The Ferrari's were worried for the both of them. The hospital room packed with worried faces.

Jayden, Javier, Kayden, Luca, and Aurora pace around the room. Anxious for their friends their friends out comes.

It's been a couple hours since they took Lee and Sage back

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It's been a couple hours since they took Lee and Sage back.

Their family has been restlessly waiting for the doctors to come out and give them an update. Their patience slowly growing thin.

Zara (Nonna), Gabriel, and Mj arrived in the early morning. They all wait in the waiting room, staring at the white doors in worry.

A doctor comes out, "Lee Hernandez and Sage Ferrari?" She called out. They all stand up and surrounded her, bombarding her with questions.

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