chapter sixty-six

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I wake up with an excruciating migraine

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I wake up with an excruciating migraine. Immense pain immediately shoots through my body as I get up. I take off my blood filled shirt.

I didn't know what time or day it was. The sun was unforgivably hot, beaming down on me. I instantly spot Sage a few feet away from me.

I go to her and tap her cheek a few times, only she doesn't wake up. "Sage?" I question and tap her cheek harder.

When she doesn't respond I check her pulse and sigh in relief when I feel a heartbeat. Her breathing was slow. I tap her cheek harder and she finally stirs and makes a humming noise.

"Sage, wake up," I say and shake her shoulders.

She mumbled in coherent words and her head falls to the side. I sit her up and the sight of blood on the ground behind her head alarms me.

I check her head and see a gash in the middle of her head. I try to shake her awake but this time it doesn't work.

I pick her up bridal style and start to run as fast as I possibly could through the woods. Sage lays limp the entire time in my arms, causing me to push myself harder.

Thirty minutes later I finally found a road. I get out Sage's gun that she had strapped to her and stand in the middle of the street.

A car comes to a screeching stop. A guy hands his head out the window,"Are you crazy?! Get the fuck out the way you moron!"

I aim the gun at his head and he shuts up. "Get out of the car," I order.


"Get out of the damn car!" I yell and take off the safety.

"Okay man, geez." He mumbled and got out with his hands in the air.

I kicked him in his knee and he fell to the asphalt with a painful cry. "I'll have your car returned to your house in a couple of days. Tell anyone about this and you're dead." I threaten and get into the car.

I quickly put Sage in the passenger side before driving off. I grab his phone out the cup holder, "No password," I mumble. What a fucking dummy.

I search for the nearest hospital on the gps and drive as fast as I could. We were in the middle of nowhere so the closest hospital would be almost two hours away.

Sage mumbled something from the passenger seat. I grab onto her hand, "We're almost there love. Just hold on," I mumble and step on the gas harder.

We make it there in forty minutes.

I get out the car and go to the passenger side. "Excuse me sir you can't—" She cuts herself off with a gasp. She says a weird term into her walkie-talkie and ushers us inside.

Nurses surround us and usher me to put Sage down on the bed. I do it without question and try to follow them as they wheel her in, but they stop me.

"Sir you need medical attention, please come with us," One says as they usher me into the emergency room.

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