chapter fifty-one

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The drapes opened

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The drapes opened. I squinted my eyes shut and pulled the cover over my head. "Ms. Sage, please wake up. It's time for breakfast." Mrs.Rosie said.

Since when do I get served breakfast?

"I'm not hungry Mrs. Rosie." I mumble.

"Mr. Hernandez insists dear. You have a full day ahead of you, we need something in that stomach yeah?"

I groan, "Can you tell him that i'm not hungry? I just want to sleep Mrs.Rosie." I say.

She sighed, "Well I can't force you to eat sweetheart. I'll tell him."

"Thank you Mrs. Rosie." I mumble. I hear the door shut and I drift back to sleep.

I was lightly shaken awake, the covers were pulled back from my face. The drapes were partially closed so it wasn't that bright in the room.

"Sage," Lee whispered.

I groan and sit up, "I just want to sleep. I haven't slept good in a while." I mumble and wipe my eyes.

He sat a small bench over my legs with a plate full of food and orange juice. "Sorry to interrupt your sleeping but we have to go to a meeting today and decide a lot of things for the wedding still."

He cleared his throat, "You haven't ate since yesterday, try to eat something, even if it's a couple pieces of fruit."

He stood up to his full height and walked out the door.

I yawned and picked up my fork. My pancakes were already cut up for me and there was a small glass filled with syrup. On the other plate there was eggs, bacon, and home style fries. In a bowl there was fruit.

I ate until I was full even though I was most likely going to feel guilty about it later and got up from the bed.

I stretched and picked up the bench. There was a knock on my door before Mrs. Rosie came in. "Glad to see you ate something."

"Yes, thank you. It was amazing." I say and she took the bench from me.

"Oh honey I didn't cook it, Mr. Hernandez did. I'll let him know you enjoyed it." She said and moved to the door.

"Okay, thank you." I say.

"No problem sweetheart." She went out the door. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was a little after eight.

I went to the bathroom and took off my wig and took my braids out. I took a shower and washed my hair.

I got dressed in matching lace black undergarments and took the towel down off my head. I put on my cocoa butter and oil on my body.

I do my skincare and section my hair off. I comb out my hair and do my curl routine. I diffuse my hair with cool air and pick out my afro.

I do my makeup and go to the closet. I pick out a black Valentino suit with red bottom heels. I put my ring back on and put on a diamond necklace with matching earrings and put on a watch.

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